The forums talk about balance a lot. But one thing I haven't seen is a thread for tier lists. Even though it is an over simplification of the complex calculus that is balance, I've always really enjoyed reading tier lists for games. I was hoping to see how other people would rank all the currently released units in the game.
Here is mine (with the caveat that I'm ranking on what I think the max potential of their best formations is, not average performance over all builds):
S+: dominates games, very difficult to counter
S: same as S, just a little less potent/more counterable
A: always a solid pick
B: generally a solid pick, but can run into some issues with the wrong builds/are more counterable
these need to have the army designed in the right way to use them
need very specific builds to get their points out of, and are easily countered
S+: Kari
S: Ravos, Spined Threshers, Berserkers, Aliana
A: Deepwood Archers, Heavy Crossbowmen, Maegan, Death Knights, Carrion Lancers, Scions, Wraiths, Leonx Riders
B: Oathsworn Cav, Hawthorne, Reanimate Archers, Flesh Rippers, Reanimates, Spearmen
Outland Scouts, Darnati
Rune Golems, Ankaur, Ardus
So what do other people think? How would you rate the released units?