A question my group had that i thought about and while i have made a choice. I would like the forum members opinions / input on if you would please.
The question was simple enough. Could a ship with an up-gunned engine ( in this context they were meaning an engine from one class level higher than the actual class of ship...IE a destroyer with an engine rated for a frigate or light cruiser ) gain an extra movement ( Speed ) point ( or two was the actual statement )
I considered the idea and decided to acquiesce to the idea with the following for the houserule.
A ship can gain extra speed by taking a higher class rated engine if it can afford the increase in space. Such a modification would grant said ship a speed bonus of 1 per class difference of engine used.
Class Engine class Bonus/Reduction
Destroyer Destroyer none
Destroyer Frigate +1 Spd
Destroyer Lt Cruiser +2 Spd
Cruiser Lt Cruiser -1 Spd
Cruiser Frigate -2 Spd
As long as the class ship has sufficient space to mount the bigger engines then it can use them to gain additional base speed ( or lose it if its a smaller class )
This idea would allow enterprising GM's to possibly hinder or handicap the RT after severe battle damage that would otherwise limit the RT ship from being able to do anything....giving the RT a chance to continue albeit in a reduced capability ( Great...now i get to chose between shields to take the incoming enemy hits OR shooting back...grrr....) Until such time as the RT ( read as GM ) found an available replacement engine of the same or better class.
Conversely an enterprising RT and lenient GM might acquire a higher class engine to drop into their ship thereby increasing the speed a bit ( and power generated also ) making it possible that the RT might not have to chose between shields or shooting and could now do both....
My idea was that it wasnt an earth shattering game breaking change but has potential for a bit of fun.