TI Planet and score tracker software

By Bors, in Twilight Imperium

Hi everyone!

We developed a program to assign planets to players, and track player's payments via planet exhaustion. But while developing, we added some extra features too. The reason we developed this application is that sometimes when we played with 6 players the payments with the manual planet card flipping became chaotic and untraceable. We made a lot of mistakes (perhaps its just us) during that process. To eliminate this, we thought it would be a good idea to use something to effectively track payment, and planet status. Later we added the objectives menu to generate public objectives. It could be useful for those who damaged or lost one of their objective cards or want to add custom objectives to the game. This section needs some improvement, because you can track who scored the objectives generated but can't add VP-s to players who earned point by playing the Imperial card or other means.
I hope you are going to find this useful, and let me know if you have any ideas for improving the application. The project is open source, you can find it here

Download from here

To install it:
-Unzip and run setup.

This version currently supports TI: Fourth edition. If you would like to make it compatible with the Third edition let us know and we will make it so.

The list of features:
-Assign planets
-Exhaust planets
-Refresh planets
-Support up to 6 players
-Generate objectives
-Score objectives (secrets too)
-Add custom objectives by editing the "Objectives.txt.deploy" file
-Victory point counter
-Undo events by deleting logs
-Save game
-Load game


Edited by Bors

Wouldn't adding the custom objectives "Imperial 1" Imperial 2" "Imperial 3" and so on be a solution to the score accrued from sitting on Mecatol Rex? A row of extra objectives that you'd have to score in succession. Also, the custom objective "Mecatol Rex" could be used to keep track of whoever settled on Mecatol Rex first in 4th ed.

I totally forgot about the first Mecatol Rex landing , so thanks! :D I'll update the objectives list. For the Imperial objective that you suggested would work, but I do not find it an elegant solution just to flood the objectives window with imperial 1, 2 .... objectives. I'll want to add a button for it to quickly assign this Imperial scores and also make a solution for VP-s that can be lost such as "Support for throne" or "Holy Planet of Ixth".