Greetings everyone !
I know you have discussed it already but still...
1) They will have like 350 unique cards divided and dosed differently among the virtual possibilities.
What will they do then ? Expand the poll of unique cards and the number of factions ? And then ? mix it with the original amount and create new virtually unlimited premade decks ?
I don't see what they'll do with it.
Because if they expand the poll of unique components used to brew the decks, how will our previousely bought grow old ?
2) On another note : as a player I'll try to get the most out of my 10 bucks deck. But on FFG's side, what do they want you to do ? To blindly buy dozens of decks (or have 1M clients buying one random deck) to experience what they have to offer to you in term of premade combinations and try to compete with your deck against everyone ? Is that just a multiplayer game right out the box ? How do they try to retain customers loyalty ?
3) Some have also mentioned the (high) probability of similar to nearly clone decks (except the Archon identification) and the as high possibility of "trash" decks that are unplayable because of bad combination of cards... Do you think that FFG, known for game balance issues has worked a solution out to make the customer quite satisfied with what he gets for 10 bucks or aren't we really safe from discovering that what we bought is unplayable ? I know a lot of people who wouldn't be happy with it so I think the AI behind the composition of the decks is quite intelligent and not broken like in (many) video games ?
Edited by Elrad