Latari vs Daqan today, I was hoping to play with Darnati today, but they haven't arrived at my local store yet....much sadness.
The game is demoralize their forces with unprepared, daqan with red side, latari with initiative.
My list:
Maegan Cyndewin [36] 1x1
Reaping Blade [4]
Martial Magic [3]
Total Unit Cost: 43
Deepwood Archers [30] 2x2
Dispatch Runner [7]
Tempered Steel [3]
Rallying Starling [4]
Simultaneous Orders [2]
Total Unit Cost: 46
Deepwood Archers [17] 2x1
Tempered Steel [3]
Total Unit Cost: 20
Leonx Riders [24] 1x3
Column Tactics [4]
Total Unit Cost: 28
Aliana of Summersong [33] 1x1
Packleaders Spear [8]
Ambush Predator [3]
Total Unit Cost: 44
Aymhelin Scions [14] 1x1
Vicious Roots [3]
Total Unit Cost: 17
Oathsworn 3x3
Hawthorne, raven taberds, wind rune, MoI
spearman 3x2
Dispatch runner, rallying cornicern, a banner I don't recall.
3x1 crossbows
piercing strike, not certain what else.
Going into this battle I had concerns about the Daqan damage output. Combined with wind rune I had no hope of outmaneuvering them.
Deployment gave me a good rock fortress that would make navigating 3 wide trays difficult.
turn 1.
Daqan make an aggressive advance while my Latari scramble for defensive positions. Meagan finds herself in a bad spot facing high threat archers.
turn 2.
The oathsworn obliterate the lone scion, while the rally battery pulls the immobillize off. The crossbows inflict a wound on meagan. My archers use tempered steel to put a decent dent in the oathsworn.
turn 3.
CO surprises me with a well executed move. He activates the oathsworn early, and wind runes into alliana and uses the reform to face her. The rally battery then dispatches the oathsworn to wreck alliana.
The cats tear into the flank of the rallyspear, which minimizes its losses with shield wall. Meagan takes 2 more wounds but pulls a sharp bank, locking antlers with the crossbows. The archers keep chipping at the oathsworn.
Turn 4.
The oathsworn shift sideways into the cats, who have mostly torn apart the rally star. Meagans moose (ol' watzizname) sweeps away half the crossbows, and the archers keep chipping while also dispatching the cats for a second attack.
turn 5.
The oathsworn wont go easily. They take two cats with a melee, and the spearstar gets one more dispatch to the knights to take another tray of cats. Meagan finishing fireballing the crossbows, the archers keep chipping the now 3 armor horses.
turn 6.
those are some stubborn, tough oathsworn!
this is the end of the round picture.
I was surprised at the added damage potential of tempered steel, need to keep using that.
Having more attacks can be better than having bigger attacks. While the oathsworn could kill any one of my units in one swing, they only could be used effectively against 1 or 2 units a turn. Just have to make sure you can do adequate chip damage if you bring small units.
Given the oathsworns limited mobility (we never learned to sidestep!), wind rune may be a pretty great upgrade. Smaller formations could be devastating with it.
I'd like to see a Daqan MSU build.
Thanks for reading!