GenCon - A Bittersweet End...

By selderane, in Star Wars: The Card Game

Overall, tonight was a great day. Great players, great games, and lots of jokes.

As expected, a lot of people dropped after promos were handed out. We were only given one set of MTFBWY at that time.

The second set was given during round five. Makes sense; encourage people to stay and play.

Except there was no second set. There wasn't enough printed. Europe got two sets but the very last event ever gets shorted.

We all paid for the promos we were expecting to get.

But somehow this feels poetic. The game has always been FFG's redheaded stepchild.

Still, it was great to see everyone and play.

Good luck to everyone who made the cut!

No second set of MtFBWY. To be fair, the prize support article only mentions 1 set. There was, on the other hand, a bunch of extra acrylic tokens so everyone who stayed around for round 5 got 2 sets of those.

Edited by dbmeboy

Any word on decklists/ results?


I got two sets.

I put The Empire BSB in the corner so you'd know it's me.

IMG_20180906_231910 (1024x768).jpg

Yes, they ended up giving 2nd sets to the top cut (and maybe a few places past that? I'm not sure how many extra sets they had). But not everyone who participated got a 2nd set. It's really a shame.

Was K-2SO not included? I had a friend at GenCon enter Worlds just to get me the promos, and I just got them this weekend. No K-2SO. Looked back at the pic he sent me when he got them and it wasnt there either. Did FFG just short him the K-2SO?

4 hours ago, TheFresko said:

Was K-2SO not included? I had a friend at GenCon enter Worlds just to get me the promos, and I just got them this weekend. No K-2SO. Looked back at the pic he sent me when he got them and it wasnt there either. Did FFG just short him the K-2SO?

They had trouble when they started handing out the promo set. Only had 1 set and it was missing K-2SO. They handed out the other set (including both copies of K-2SO) later that round.