The X-wing Wars (Alt universe narrative for your 2nd edition X-wing campaign)

By Marinealver, in X-Wing

So you are playing a tournament and you have to explain why Biggs Darklighter is facing off against Kylo Ren, or Luke Skywalker fighting his old mentor Obi Wan Kenobi, or why the Republic is involved in a border skirmish with the "Resistance"? Well here is something to put it all into perspective, take it as a mirror universe of sorts. Inspired by the comic series THE STAR WARS here is a rough outline of all the factions and how (and why) they all coexist (to merely blast each other apart) in the galaxy as they each vie for dominance. Let me know what you think of it.

Republic : A Byzantium Empire that once ruled the known galaxy, but after the Clone Wars shattered and now is a shadow of its former glory. Still the largest nation as far as volume of space and number of star systems their power has often been decentralized by the recent defeats in its history. No longer doe their Senate have control over Galactic policies, especially after losing Corescuant their former seat of power, many Patrician families now handle their own affairs. Republic has devolved into more or less a feudal cast system with ruling families at the top and clone slaves at the bottom. Many keep their own clone armies. Because of this they have not modernize any of their forces and continue to use ships of ancient design. What they lack in quality they make up for in quantity. After all they have access to the most planets therefore the most resources, and their military is made of now expendable clones (replacing the excommunicated Jedi Knights) so why invest more money in preserving something that can be replaced much easier and cheaper? Needless to say the Light of the Republic has flickered away as the senators is more focused on consolidating personal power in a now feudal power struggle that is more focused on internal affairs. Because of this breakdown of order it is not uncommon for systems under the Republic banner to be "annexed" by their neighbors rather quietly (if not peacfully). Still none of the other powers will risk open war with the Republic as it still boasts a vast navy and army of near limitless clones.

C.I.S. an ultracaptilist nation (think Directorate from Firestorm Armada) that first rebelled against the Republic and caused numerous casualties among the Jedi Knights which made the Republic turn to Clones to match the battle droid numbers. After the clones the C.I.S. almost face bankruptcy as war was proven to be more expensive than profitable. When the Galactic Empire rose up and started their rebellion from the Republic the C.I.S. quickly moved to support the new Emperor in return for autonomy. They won't be Republic, but they won't be Empire. The Emperor distasteful of the C.I.S. methods of war involving droids, and chemical and biological weapons reluctantly agreed as the droids would be the counter to the Republic near inexhaustible numbers. With that many C.I.S. Corperations such as Seinar Fleets System moved their base of Operation to the Empire. After their independence the C.I.S. showed their reluctance to engage in open warfare which was exactly what the Empire expected them to do and planned accordingly. However the C.I.S. has a notorious reputation for supplying both sides in an conflict. The Empire's Civil war is a perfect example where one C.I.S. Corperations was known to move their base of operations into Empire space another military corperations Incom moved to Alliance controlled systems. C.I.S. doesn't care to lose Tax Evaders after all they still make a killing off of supplying and investing in foreign companies without risk if one of these companies goes bankrupt. As you can tell the Confederacy is ruled by a Consortium of business with various proprietors and seinor corperate executives, financial overseers, and the occasional wealthy aristocratic tycoon forming members of the council which is just one super large board room. The C.I.S. makes extensive use of droids for labor and security even mundane administration work which leaves little for a sentient to do other than try their hand at entrepreneurship although it is predictable that many fail at this and find themselves essentially a debt slave.

Galactic Empire : A second group to Rebel disgusted with the Republic's use of Clones they formed their own rebellion not based on calculating and financial means but by strict discipline. They were able to take the Capital ending the time known as the "Light of the Republic" forcing the Republic to Sign the Treaty of Correscuant, and recognizing the C.I.S. and Galactic Empire as Independent nations while the Republic still holds on vast swaths of space even if consistently looking systems. In the promise of peace they said it has a cost. Looking at the galaxy in a pragmatic view they see their enemies using clones and droids in numberless armies that could exhaust them. Still holding the seat of the Galactic Senate, Correscuant, they went to work on many reforms which were at first very popular within their borders. They banned human slavery, full body cloning, and combat droids. But they also included mandatory conscription, and elementary indoctrination. Mind programming for their foot soldiers were used to get them to be a coherent fighting force that was unquestionably obedient. A necessity to integrate the Stormtrooper Corps given the diverse recruiting backgrounds. Some were prisoners given a parole after a battle royal contest, others were children identified to be larger and stronger than their peers. Needless to say many of the Jedi Knights that fled from the Republic found themselves at odds with the new Imperial Military Machine. When their ruined temple was attacked again by a mysterious force the Jedi once again found themselves running from the very planets they swore to protect. Furthermore any dissenting or seditious information was brutally suppressed. Either by mass troop and starfighter deployment routing out desenters, or found dead by what looked like attacks from rouge Jedi Knights, one thing was for sure. Life in the Empire can be harsher than a serfdome in the Republic.

(Republican/Rebel) Alliance : After the victory of the Galactic Empire many reforms (such as the banning of battle droids, clone experimentation, and human slaves) were praised. But the totalitarian regime and strict discipline enforced by the Empire caused some discontent. A group called the Alliance for Republic Order broke off. At first they sought patronage from the Republic who refused all support in fear of antagonizing the Galactic Empire. Next they turned to the C.I.S. who has no qualms about backing a rebellious faction for a price. After a brutal Civil War and the Empire didn't want to suffer the same fate as its former enemy, the Galactic Republic, so they sought peace with the Galactic Republic as mediators. The Alliance for Democratic Republic as they call themselves is often referred to as the Rebel Alliance a name that is still used by the Galactic Republic in all foreign correspondence and is also the name for the Alliance on the Treaty of Endor of which both warring parties had to sign.

Resistance , a splinter group fighting against the Galactic Empire, while the Alliance is sympathetic both Alliance and Republic withhold support in fear of provoking the Empire which is still the most powerful military force in the Galaxy. Because of this they have made deals with the C.I.S. to procure older Alliance X-wing and A-wings and modernize them to keep up with E-wings and K-wings. Because of this they have traded blows with the once sympathetic Alliance themselves. However they are still determined to keep their fight with the Empire.

The 1st Order : A shadowy organizing that claims to be the cause of every major event in the Galaxy (space Illuminati anyone?). For an organization to claim much influence they are surprisingly unknown to the majority of the Galaxy. Still rumor holds that they ruled along side with the Republic until they adopted the Jedi Knights for their security. They claim to have been responsible for the C.I.S. and the Galactic Empire's uprising. They currently hold sway over the Empire itself as its holdings is where its strongholds lie. How much of this is true is up for much speculation as the rumors also imply that the Alliance and Resistance is also their machinations for unknown reasons as they appear to go against the goals of the 1st Order whatever they are. What can be determined is that all knowledge of this organization for some reason is kept rather secretive for only the most senior members of the Alliance tend to know their existence and for the Republic with its ever more dispersed power base only a few influential families have knowledge of the 1st Order and are keeping it secret from the rest of the Republic. The Empire has the most contact with the 1st Order as nearly all 1st Order Ships and Militant forces appear to be Empire in design and often an attack from the 1stOrder is often mistaken for an attack by the Galactic Empire. However unlike the Resistance which takes second hand equipment remaking from the past wars and modify them for modern standards, the 1st Order appears to have more advanced top of the line ships with state of the art equipment. More like prototypes instead of mothballs. Whatever their goals are it is clear that they do have close ties with the Galactic Empire and they don't like people talking about them and Sith Assassins silence anyone that dares to speak publicly about them in voices louder than whispers.

So that is just the background on the factions. I plan to do a little more "lore excerpts" on characters like Darth Vader, Luke Skywalker, Kylo Ren and Emperor Palpatine and explain their relationship and how they wind up on different pieces of this shattered galaxy. So let me know what do you think of it so far, anything you would add or take away? Or what would your narrative be if you were going to do the whole thing (without going into self aware meta territory, that is getting a little too clich`e).

Edited by Marinealver
edited for truthfulness

Interesting take. I hadn't thought of a completely new view of the factions to be able to campaign them all together. This might be the thing that holds FFG back from an official campaign, since I'm sure their license wouldn't allow them to go out of canon with their storyline. (Although I'd still like to see them publish campaigns for different eras, something like Arturi, and an AI.)

I'm curious about how Disney will wrap things up with Episode IX. It seems to me that the Resistance is basically non-existent at this point (no one answered their distress call) and the First Order has been decimated after the destruction of Starkiller and the death of Snoke (along with most of what was on his ship). Could Star Wars exist without the classic "huge empire vs. rebels" storyline? I think so. It might be interesting to see a Star Wars where much of the galaxy was going at it on their own. Without large organized militaries, you'd have a lot of the older ships popping up and being used. I could see a scenario here where you could use all the factions and still exist in the canon universe.

Alternatively, it seems like the richest era to mine right now is the time between clone wars and Episode IV. That already gave us Rebels, Rogue 1, and Solo. A campaign set there, however, would exclude FO and Resistance, but would allow Clone Wars and everything else to exist.

I like where you're headed as well. I'm working with a friend to put X-wing (Arturi style) together with Imperial Assault, which would require some of this era-bending as well to make use of all the IA characters. It'll be interesting to see you put all the factions together. I'm excited to see what we get when 2.0 Epic finally comes out as well.

Yeah I don't know about Episode 9, I am more than certain the Resistance will win somehow, but I am also certain when Episode 9 is finished we will be feeling more like we just saw the end of the Revenge of the Sith and not Return of the Jedi.

X-wing and Imperial Assault seem to be the most compatible since they have the 3 (primary) factions. OF course it would be better to see if any other star wars product leaves the era of IV VI &VI to get into the other factions. I guess Resistance might have some material for IA but it is difficult to tell at this point. It might be better for FFG to move the the clone wars but given the frequency of IA expansions, Resistance/1stOrder characters may be more practical.

Edited by Marinealver

I feel like Legion (which I haven't bought) is the most ripe for clone wars. The whole clones vs. droids would be ideal for a large army-based game. I wouldn't be surprised if you saw a big Legion expansion for clone wars around the same time X-wing gets into it and the cartoon starts up again.

With no one making pre-painted SW minis anymore, IA is still the best option for new SW miniatures. The tough part is that IA is still roughly sticking to the same era. I'd think they would do a new trilogy release, but that sort of breaks the continuity. I hope that the lackluster performance of Solo doesn't hold up the other movies (Obi-Wan and Boba Fett) that seem clearly meant to follow it and link together. I would think that would be the most natural area for IA to go into, but they've already made a lot of those characters (Han, Lando, Maul, Boba, etc.) I guess the most likely then is an IA expansion with Resistance and First order and singles of the main characters - Rey, Finn, Kylo, Snoke.

The Resistance will obviously get reignited (Disney is totally heavy-handed with plot - the "spark that lights the fire"), and I'd think we'll see a time jump and some dramatic final love duel between Rey and Kylo, Finn and Phasma. Hopefully there will be some big surprises and much more to it than that. I'd love to know which eras the announced trilogies (Rian Johnson's and the GoT guys') will occur in and even the live-action TV show rumored. You've got to think they're reconsidering the Rian Johnson trilogy though with all the blowback.

Edited by dadocollin

This brings up a point that I hope flies with the new App.

A lot of us want creative, narrative play. I hope the app doesn't assume we are all 200-point-only tournament players and features some sort of "turn off RAW" feature to allow more creative list building.

Like, for example, being able to make a list with Rebel and Resistance ships together again.

Or allowing "scum" mercenaries with other factions.

Just now, Darth Meanie said:

This brings up a point that I hope flies with the new App.

A lot of us want creative, narrative play. I hope the app doesn't assume we are all 200-point-only tournament players and features some sort of "turn off RAW" feature to allow more creative list building.

Like, for example, being able to make a list with Rebel and Resistance ships together again.

Or allowing "scum" mercenaries with other factions.

yeah I am going to revisit my Allies and Mercenaries format (A&M), but one thing that is going to be consistent is that S&V can be taken by everyone as mercenaries. That being said Scum won't have any allies so if you are flying a scum list then it will be completely scum.

So trying to make a history of events here is a quick timeline.

  1. Formation of the Galactic Republic
    1. Tyranny of the Sith Lords and rule of the 1st Order
    2. End of the Sith Shinobi and founding of the Jedi Knights
    3. Founding of the Galactic Republic through the 1st Order
    4. Mandalorian Crisis (Mandolorian Empire started to terrorize the Galaxy with their Jumpmasters 5000 )
    5. Trade Federation rebellion forming the Confederacy of Independent Systems upon direction of the 1st Order
    6. The Clone Wars ( Republic's last ditch attempt to defeat the droid armies of C.I.S. )
    7. Excommunication of the Jedi Order by the 1st Order
  2. The Splitting of the Republic
    1. Galactic Empire takes over Correscuant with the aid of the 1st Order
    2. C.I.S. Exiled to the Outer Rims
    3. Republic begins to crumble and shatter into a conglomeration of Noble Republic Houses
    4. Jedi Knights move to other places such as Galactic Empire
    5. Empire bans the Jedi Order and restores the Sith Force users as directed by the 1st Order
    6. Empire conscription begins to restore balance of power between the remaining legion of clones and droid armies
  3. Galactic Civil War
    1. C.I.S. supports disenfranchised systems of the Galactic Empire given to them by the 1st Order
    2. The formation of the Rebel Alliance to restore the Republic by subtle manipulations of the 1st Order
    3. Swift Empire Crackdown on the Alliance resulting in the Galactic Civil War with 1st Order Technology
    4. Peace brokered between Galactic Empire and Rebel Alliance by House Organa of the Galactic Republic as mediated by the 1st Order
    5. Uneasy Treaty of Endor that Gives the Alliance systems mostly along the Outer Rim, Empire still holds Correscuant.
  4. Phantom skirmish (The X-wing Wars)
    1. Rise of numerous Organised Crime Lords among the border regions between the 4 empires likely funded and backed by the 1st Order
    2. Malcontent Alliance Veterans said that the treaty was more of an Alliance surrender then a victory of independence
    3. Alliance picks a new name for their interstellar nation (common name is still Alliance) in the midst of post war economic depression
    4. Reports of raids terrorizing Alliance System by Empire starships which are actually the ships of the 1st Order
    5. Formation of the Resistance as provoked by the 1st Order
    6. Resistance is banned by the Alliance forcing them to seek hidden refuge in the larger Empire and Republic held space
    7. C.I.S. gives Resistance financial support in return for staying out of Confederacy space by guidance form the 1st Order
    8. Empire accuses Alliance of sporting Resistance seditionists within the Galactic Empire with evidence given to them by the 1st Order
    9. The 1st Order begins the purge of Resistance based worlds across Empire , Republic , and even Alliance Space

Well that is most of the background. I could go further and come up with a Foreign Affairs script of each of the 7 factions view on the other 6. But now I am going to work on a starting narrative fore Wave 1 which is mostly Alliance vs Empire. I could even do some notable people in that though I will be reorganizing some families to more distant relatives.

Edited by Marinealver

Interesting write up. Are you planing to associate the FFG produced miniatures with your time line - similar to how you pointed out Mandalore Jumpmater 5000s. ?

I'm a bit confused on the difference between the Rebellion and Resistance here, though the timeline helps. So you're saying that the Rebellion formed to fight the Empire, "won" at Endor, and then became another one of the governments in the galaxy? So in that case is the Resistance essentially a continuation of the rebellion from those who weren't happy with the treaty? And the CIS supported both during their time fighting the Empire?

Otherwise, the only other thing I'd want to point out is that you have the jedi kicked out of the Republic, but one of the only known ships coming to the Republic in X-Wing is a jedi starfighter, so you might need to revise that in order to keep consistent with the game's options.

On 9/17/2018 at 12:51 PM, Jokubas said:

I'm a bit confused on the difference between the Rebellion and Resistance here, though the timeline helps. So you're saying that the Rebellion formed to fight the Empire, "won" at Endor, and then became another one of the governments in the galaxy? So in that case is the Resistance essentially a continuation of the rebellion from those who weren't happy with the treaty? And the CIS supported both during their time fighting the Empire?

Otherwise, the only other thing I'd want to point out is that you have the jedi kicked out of the Republic, but one of the only known ships coming to the Republic in X-Wing is a jedi starfighter, so you might need to revise that in order to keep consistent with the game's options.

With the Republic being so fractured even though not all Star Systems went to the other Nations, there are still some Noble Houses that keep Jedi Knights round, although many have gone solely to clone troopers as their defense. The Jedi Exile was also setting up the scattering of force users across the galaxy outside of Republic Control.

On 9/17/2018 at 11:45 AM, Star glider said:

Interesting write up. Are you planing to associate the FFG produced miniatures with your time line - similar to how you pointed out Mandalore Jumpmater 5000s. ?

Pretty much for the most part. I set up a thread in Battle Reports and started with an opening Exposition for the three factions in Wave 1. I need to finish that exposition but have been busy with overtime and class. Instead of trying to fit your games to the canonized story, you now have a "canon" that fits your games. Still working on the character relationships, but got some ideas that might work.

On 8/3/2018 at 8:06 AM, dadocollin said:

I'm curious about how Disney will wrap things up with Episode IX.

Force Ghosts will appear everywhere across the universe of all the dead Jedi and Sith, and start singing "Its a small Universe" in lew of "Its a small world"

Okay I have tried to make an intro backstory to Wave 1 and a thread to put in battle reports mostly using Wave 1 but left a little room for Extended as well as all of 2nd edition is in there. I might have to go back and make a quick blurp on all characters but as you can tell I have altered the relationships a little. I mean how else am I going to explain Anikin Skywalker Luke Skywalker, Darth Vader, and Kylo Ren all in the same story. I got a plan for Han Solo story since he is in 3 factions.

Still need to finish the Scum and Imperial but let me know what do you think of the start.

On 8/3/2018 at 9:06 AM, dadocollin said:

Interesting take. I hadn't thought of a completely new view of the factions to be able to campaign them all together. This might be the thing that holds FFG back from an official campaign, since I'm sure their license wouldn't allow them to go out of canon with their storyline. (Although I'd still like to see them publish campaigns for different eras, something like Arturi, and an AI.)

I'm curious about how Disney will wrap things up with Episode IX. It seems to me that the Resistance is basically non-existent at this point (no one answered their distress call) and the First Order has been decimated after the destruction of Starkiller and the death of Snoke (along with most of what was on his ship). Could Star Wars exist without the classic "huge empire vs. rebels" storyline? I think so. It might be interesting to see a Star Wars where much of the galaxy was going at it on their own. Without large organized militaries, you'd have a lot of the older ships popping up and being used. I could see a scenario here where you could use all the factions and still exist in the canon universe.

I'd love if FFG released some kind of narrative play or campaign system, heck even some stuff to play out famous battles from the shows and films would be good. That or an objective system like Armada.

I suspect there will be a time skip between TLJ and 9 such that the FO has taken over and the Resistance is built back up for one last desparte battle with the FO.

On 8/3/2018 at 11:37 AM, Marinealver said:

Yeah I don't know about Episode 9, I am more than certain the Resistance will win somehow, but I am also certain when Episode 9 is finished we will be feeling more like we just saw the end of the Revenge of the Sith and not Return of the Jedi.

Unless the rumors are true and 9 gets split into 2 films (I hope it doesn't) and they then treat part 1 as ROTS before the Resistance wins in part 2 with more of a ROTJ feel...and then they form a New New Republic which then falls within the span of the end of this trilogy and the start of the next one.

On 8/3/2018 at 12:05 PM, dadocollin said:

I feel like Legion (which I haven't bought) is the most ripe for clone wars. The whole clones vs. droids would be ideal for a large army-based game. I wouldn't be surprised if you saw a big Legion expansion for clone wars around the same time X-wing gets into it and the cartoon starts up again.

With no one making pre-painted SW minis anymore, IA is still the best option for new SW miniatures. The tough part is that IA is still roughly sticking to the same era. I'd think they would do a new trilogy release, but that sort of breaks the continuity. I hope that the lackluster performance of Solo doesn't hold up the other movies (Obi-Wan and Boba Fett) that seem clearly meant to follow it and link together. I would think that would be the most natural area for IA to go into, but they've already made a lot of those characters (Han, Lando, Maul, Boba, etc.) I guess the most likely then is an IA expansion with Resistance and First order and singles of the main characters - Rey, Finn, Kylo, Snoke.

The Resistance will obviously get reignited (Disney is totally heavy-handed with plot - the "spark that lights the fire"), and I'd think we'll see a time jump and some dramatic final love duel between Rey and Kylo, Finn and Phasma. Hopefully there will be some big surprises and much more to it than that. I'd love to know which eras the announced trilogies (Rian Johnson's and the GoT guys') will occur in and even the live-action TV show rumored. You've got to think they're reconsidering the Rian Johnson trilogy though with all the blowback.

I'm so looking forward to the Clone Wars coming to Legion, can't wait until I get to paint up a legion and some droids.

FFG could always do a sequel game of sorts for IA that is somewhat compatible dealing with the Resistance and FO, that way it would help interest those who like the ST while Legion establishes the OT and PT factions and give themselves some time to figure out what all they want to do with ST stuff.

They have already said that the live actions TV show will be post ROTJ by a couple years, so maybe the last days of the Empire vs Rebels/New Republic stuff or dealing with scum dealing with those changes? RJ has said his stuff isn't Old Republic stuff so unless they go back on that it would likely be set up after 9, probably focusing on broom boy, which eh...I'll give him a shot to sell me on the films with the trailers but not really looking forward to him trying to subvert stuff. Pretty intereted in what the GoT guys might

Well I finished the starting stories for Wave 1. Don't think anyone has reported any battle reports in the thread so I might have to do a few myself.

Next I think I will post a character roster for Wave 1 and a brief intro explaining their position and maybe even a relationship to a few other characters. I already told a few of the relationships but I might not get all of them. There currently are 17 unique characters for Rebel Alliance, 18 for Empire (excluding Death Troopers) and, 15 for Scum. I'll probably post a list first and then fill in the gaps as we go. I'll try and finish before Wave 2 hits and then I'll have the first Order and Resistance to introduce. That will be some fun connecting the dots.

Just a quick list of Wave 1 Characters and maybe a quick lore on some of them, the rest later. The idea is that 2.0 Edition is the settign while Extended is deep background. As more and more of extended is introduced into Expansions they will come to the forefront. But I figure I set Wave 1 up before Wave 2 comes out and the Resistance makes their debut, and the 1st Order makes their reveal.



  • Wedge Antilles Executive Officer of Red Squadron
  • Luke Skywalker Veteran of the Rebellion and X-wing pilot. At a young age was sent to the same Jedi Temple as his cousin Anikin, When the Rebellion started he left the Jedi Temple
  • Garven Dreis Commander of Red Squadron
  • Biggs Darklighter Friend of Luke Skywalker
  • Jek Porkins
  • "Dutch" Vander
  • Evaan Verlaine
  • Norra Wexley
  • Horton Salm
  • Thane Kyrell
  • Kullbee Sperado
  • Leevan Tenza
  • Edrio 2 Tubes
  • Benthic 2 Tubes
  • Saw Gerrera Leader of the Border Militia
  • Magva Yarro


  • Red Squadron As tensions between Empire and Alliance are strained this Squadron is relocated closer to the border to defend the Alliance's sovereignty and act as a deterrent for these rumored Imperial Raids in Alliance space. They are also supposed to find any evidence of Resistance Bases operating from Alliance worlds that the Empire claims is responsible for numerous attacks on their base. Still many of the pilots like Luke Skywalker are veterans of the Rebellion, and hold sympathetic opinions for the resistance.
  • Gold Squadron
  • Border Militia After the Treaty of Endor the Alliance agreed to demobilized much of their force. Of course the majority of soldiers that were let go happen to reside upon the worlds at near the newly and often disputed Alliance-Empire border. Finding themselves often in the crossfires of skirmishes and pirates these settlers have taken up arms to defend their homes. Often accused of supporting or even being a part of the resistance, they have denied this often pledging their loyalty to the Alliance.
  • Blue Squadron A modernized squadron mostly anti-ship starfighters operate adjacent to Red Squadron as a reinforcement squadron in case of Invasion by the Empire. However the commander is more sympathetic to the Resistance than the Alliance would prefer.


  • T-65 X-wing A reliable but aging ship that was used in the Alliance War for Independence from the Empire. While the Alliance is looking to replacing their aging starfighters with newer more modern designs to make up for the lack of manpower, debts occurred from their revolution has made that a slow process, forcing the Alliance to rely on these as their mainstay starfighter.
  • BTL-A4 Y-wing An assault fighter that has stood the test of time and still is required to test themselves. While they might not look so nice their rugged durability and powerful arsenal has made them a staple in Alliance defense.
  • UT-60D U-wing



  • Darth Vader Sith Lord sent to keep the Empire in "Order" , to ensure his loyalty his Son Kylo Ren is kept under close watch by Lord Snoke
  • Director Crenic
  • Maarek Stele
  • Ved Foslo
  • Zertik Storm
  • Major Vermeil
  • Captain Feroph
  • "Vizier"
  • "Mauler" Mithel
  • "Wampa"
  • "Howlrunner"
  • "Night Beast"
  • Iden Versio
  • Gideon Hask
  • Del Meeko
  • Seyn Marana
  • Valen Rudor


  • Black Squadron An Imperial Squadron under the personal command of Darth Vader, often used for testing out new prototypes and improvements to the Empire's iconic TIE Fighter starfighter ships.
  • Obsidian Squadron
  • Inferno Squadron A crack team of hand selected pilots. Tends to be smaller than other squadrons numbering often no more than a single flight.


  • TIE Fighters Produced en'mass to compete with the C.I.S. Droid Fighters and the Republic's Clone Pilots. Pilots are trained to fight in flights of 3-4 using formations and strategies to make it seem like they are swarming an enemy when in reality they are focusing on a single target taking out enemies efficiently and effectively. Even if they lose one the rest of the flight is able to see to their sector of fire and single out and eliminate enemy ships 1 by 1.

Scum & Villainy


  • Han Solo A former Imperial pilot who used his knowledge of Imperial Patrol routes for smuggling contraband into the Empire
  • Lando Carlissian Han Solo's buisness partner and often backer
  • Qi'ra Han Solo's lover who was slain by Darth Vader in the Tatooine Incident
  • Tobias Beckett Lando's "Hit Man and Muscle"
  • Chewbacca
  • Boba Fett
  • Emon Azzameen
  • Kath Scarlet
  • Koshka Frost
  • Krassis Trelix A Mandalorian who used to serve as Darth Vader's wingman. Went AWOL during a delegation to the C.I.S..
  • Fen Rau Leader of the Skull Squadron Pirates
  • Old Teroch
  • Kad Solus
  • Joy Rekkoff
  • Forman Proach A Foreman of the Mining Guild
  • Ahhav
  • Captain Seevor
  • Overseer Yushyn A Corporate executive of the Mining Guild


  • Skull Squadron A group of Pirates known to operate on the border of Empire and Alliance Space. Alliance worlds tend to make easier prey but have been known to catch an unwary Imperial Garrison if they fall complacent in their vigilance.
  • Mining Guild A Civilian Corporation that currently operates under the flag of the Galactic Empire, their loyalty has granted them access to some of the Empire's coveted resources


  • YT-series A common freighter used by many regents, consortium, and private pilots. The 1300 tends to be the most popular model of YT Freighters coming in a variety of shapes and sizes used throughout the known galaxy
  • Firespray-31 A patrol craft intended to be sold to local systems for policing actions. However, local corruption on many planetary governors and the instability of galactic conflict has seen many of these craft fall into the hands of less scrupulous pilots. Still a popular vessel for interplanetary bounty hunters.
  • Fang Fighter A Mandalorian designed starfighter often used by pirates. Although they are sold within "export compliance" as stated by Treaty of Correscuant, Often times "rouge individuals" within the C.I.S. have served as intermediaries of such exchanges.
  • Modified TIE Fighter For a long time the Empire kept their military hardware to themselves. However now things have changed and like the C.I.S. they started to lease out civilian variants of their famous TIE Fighter to "civilian" companies which support the Empire's interests.



  • Poe Dameron Resistance Leader and Commander of Black Squadron
  • Nien Nunb
  • Ello Asty
  • Termmin Wexley
  • Kare Kun
  • Jessika Pava
  • Joph Seastriker
  • Lt. Bastian
  • Jaycris Tubbs
  • L'ulo L'ampar
  • Tallissan Lintra
  • Greer Sonnel
  • Zari Bangel


  • Black Squadron A Squadron composed solely of Resistance members who have even go so far as to sever their ties to the Alliance. Black squadron given as a joke to the infamous Black Squadron of the Empire, as they are often accused of attacks which results in empire retaliation.
  • Blue Squadron Sympathizers in part of the Alliance Army have always been the Resistance most trusted asset. Many pilots from Blue Squadron have taken leave or sent to "non-military" assignment to locations where the Resistance has been sighted to operate. The Alliance frequently investigates these sights but when they arrive the Resistance always seems to have left as if someone has tipped them off.


  • T-70 X-wing The venerable X-wing from the Alliance's rebellion, after the Treaty of Endor much of the Rebellion's military was to be subdued to a more peaceful and financially manageable level. However with many border raids conducted by TIE Fighters many militia have pulled out the moth balls from these ships and used them as a local defense force. The Resistance took it a step further and with a new astromech suit, upgraded engines and shield technology modernized the X-wing to the same standards as the Alliance's new E-wing.
  • RZ-2 A-wing Another ship from the Rebellion era. As dogfights against TIE Fighters become more and more prevalent the Resistance acquired some recently retired A-wings and gave it the same modernization treatment as the X-wing.

1st Order


  • Kylo Ren Son of Darth Vader, the Supreme leader keeps him as his apprentice to keep Lord Vader under control while he acts as second in command to the Emperor.
  • "Midnight" Commander of Omega Squadron
  • Commander Malarus
  • "Scorch" Commander of Zeta Squadron
  • "Static"
  • "Longshot"
  • "Muse" Comander of Epsilon Squadron
  • TN-3465
  • Lt. Rivas
  • "Null"


  • Omega Squadron Kylo Ren's personal Squadron
  • Zeta Squadron This squadron serves at the pleasure of the Supreme Leader, and is currently protecting an unknown site.
  • Epsilon Squadron This squadron is tasked with elimination of the Resistance


  • TIE/FO Although they look like the mass produced basic TIE Fighters of the Empire these are one of the most advanced star fighters in the galaxy made by unknown means for an unknown purpose.
Edited by Marinealver
added evidence of Alliance war crimes

So Wave 2 has arrived, I am going to put a copy of my Wave 1 intro stories here and then get to work on Wave 2 stories for Resistance, Scum & Villainy, and 1st Order . I am wondering if I should do a closing on the stories I set up for Wave 1. Well here is the openings for Wave 1. Hope you enjoyed them.

So onto the Wave 1 background : The Rebel Alliance have recently won a victory against the Galactic Empire resulting in the subsequent Treaty of Endor, establishing the Alliance as an independent nation. But many are unhappy with the treaty, numerous Alliance officers resigned after the treaty sayign that they gave up too many hard fought worlds, and hardliners in the Empire said that there will still be no peace for the rebels and eventuality the Empire will simply have to reconquer the worlds ceded in the treaty. This is further compounded by sporadics attacks in both Empire space and remote Alliance worlds. A new organization Resistance assumes responsibility for most of the attacks on the Empire while the Empire denies all involvement in the attacks on Alliance worlds, even though many claim to have witness the attacks made by TIE Fighters and Storm Troopers of the Empire. When Alliance diplomats confronted Imperial Ambassadors about this they were accused of supporting this Resistance and that the attacks on Alliance worlds was nothing more than "Rebel Propaganda".

Alliance Base near the Alliance/Empire Border

Luke Skywalker paced impatiently in the back of the war room his gaze avoiding the holo-screen as he did not want to see the destruction of a few settlements on the border worlds. It reminded too much of his home that was destroyed in the Rebellion against the Galactic Empire. Same story, different planet; the Imperials claimed that these villages, moisture farms, blue dairies, Bantha ranches it doesn't matter, they were all somehow hiding rebels and must be destroyed. Yet this time the Imperials did cross a line, they violated the boundaries set by the Treaty of Endor and Empire Ships clearly violated Alliance Space. Wedge Antilles speaking to the rest of the staff officers, "Most of our A-wings and B-wing squadrons are still patrolling the C.I.S. border to prevent more weapons from reaching the terrorists, and we still have yet to deploy our new E-wing and K-wing starfighters. Risking a full retaliation from the Empire for crossing into their space will set the Alliance in a disadvantage if the Empire wants to start another war." Luke snapped back, "You call them terrorists ? Last thing I saw on the holo-screens was the Empire terrorizing Alliance worlds, it wasn't too long ago we were the Rebels." "The Resistance doesn't fight for the Alliance," Wedge replied, "a few Fringe Worlds was worth having our own nation." "A nation that no one respects, not even the republic. You saw those holocams of the raids, those TIE Fighters strafing Civilians". Wedge gave out his rebuttal, "I saw the Empire with new advanced TIE Fighters, they were even shielded, we still got old T-65s from the war. I thought your Jedi training you went off to after the war would have given you a more objective look on things." Luke shot a glance at wedge, but then realized that Wedge was more concerned with tactics and numbers. Our X-wings are enough to take out TIE Fighters, shielded or not. The Empire couldn't stop the Resistance and all they used in modernized X-wings. We can put an end to those border raids." Wedge replied "Our T-65s are not modernized" as if he hadn't made his point clearly. Luke confidently glanced back, "That shouldn't be too difficult to do, we are much better equipped now then we have ever been in the war". Wedge looked back at Luke then look at the holocron again. Shook his head and said "It is not enough, these TIE Fighters don't have hyperdrive so they can be produced en mass. We are going to need something to take out their carriers, and their forward bases. The Y-wings can be outfitted for those roles and X-wings will act as escort and support if the Y-wing firepower is not enough." A smile rose across Luke's face, "Now there's the Wedge I know." Wedge didn't bother to respond to Luke's smug reply. I'll go see what else I can bring back from Capital and talk to Leia in case we need more than just X-wings and Y-wings, and I have a feeling we will need more than that." Luke nodded in agreement, I'll go talk to Saw, his U-wing can help use move some volunteers across systems to find out where exactly these TIE Fighters are coming from." Wedge left the room to head to the docking bay and Luke went to the Holoprojector. Luke wasn't the best at suppressing his aggressive emotions but he allowed contentment to take over, now they were not going to be on the defensive, now they were going to be on the hunt.

An Outlaw Cantania on the edge of Alliance Space.

"I'm telling you Lando, this could lead us to a real big score the big one I am telling you", Han Solo said again staring at his would be business partner. Lando shook his head in disagreement and sighed."Han, I like you; not as a friend, but as a slimy double-crossing no-good swindler. Have you forgotten the last job you found that we took? You still owe me a VCX tha..." Han cut him off," Yeah, yeah, yeah. I should have guessed that they attached a tracker on us". "Of Course you should, I had to have Tobias detonate those charges so the Empire doesn't put a Bounty on my head as it was my ship. It is not just the cost of the ship **** it Han, the Empire might be the second richest government in the galaxy, but that is because they trade in more than just credits, my reputation has to remains spotless, or else as soon as I step foot into Imperial space I could get stuck in a Sarlarac pit." "Hans smugly grinned, "Your Reputation, huh". A female voice projected across the Catina,"Your reputation isn't that much better Han", Qi'ra stepped across the room to their table. "Kept you waiting love?" She said to Han. You're just on time, you have our contact and our rout?" Han answered. Qi'ra replied, "Yes, Emon has delivered 18 crates of spice, but you may have a little competition. Apparently Boba Fet was also poking his head around, asking about some smuggler." Lando shot a glance at Han and shook his head in disbelief, "The Bounty Hunter, Han don't tell me you got another mark on your head." "It's nothing, a small amount that can be more than covered by this job and it is done." Lando was not convinced, "Have you still paid back for that Wookie you stolen?" "I didn't steel him, he was already in another system by the time I first saw him and he followed me home." Lando retorted "Han, guys like you don't have a home." "Oh I have one alright, it just doesn't stay on the same planet." Han answered. "That is still my ship, until you buy me a new VCX, heck I am about to put a bounty on your head if I didn't knew there was a larger one already on it." Han grinned at Lando got up from the table and said as he walked away, "Guess it is my lucky day." holding out a pair of dice on a chain before clutching it in his grip leaving the Catina with Qi'ra.

Bridge of an Imperial Ship Patrolling in Empire Space

It was an unusual silence across the bridge, it wasn't completely quiet, there was still the ambient sounds coming from the instrument panels across the bridge, the bridge crew was uneasy, usually the Captain known for his micro management would randomly give out inspirational messages from the Imperial Palace or more often scathing reprimands for any minor mistake, but for now he was unusually silent, combined that with the ambient noise it made the silence deafening, as if nothing was heard except for heavy breathing amplified from machines keeping this void of a monster alive. The Dark Figure of Lord Vader staring out the command view ports in the front of the bridge, his respirator although adding more noise was still paralyzing the ears as if they could hear nothing. Director Krennic entered the room to give his report. "Lord Vader, we have not observed anymore Resistance Activity, but intelligence has discovered that the Alliance has increased their strength along the border." Lord Vader did not even look back, he thought to himself Resistance, Alliance, Rebels, Scum. All were the same to him, traitors to the Empire. Sure they fought against the Republic they were once a part of but the republic betrayed their house first with their weakness. His Anger his rage started to build up. Then Director Krennic was stupid enough to bring up another subject. "Is it true that they are holding your son?" This stirred the Dark Lord of the Sith to action. "And by what means have you come across this information, Director?" Referring to his previous report "A reliable source has arrived at docking bay 2c. He has given us an insurmountable data on X-wing movements." The source right then stepped into the bridge from the turbolift. A feeling of rage flashed through Darth Vader as he recognized this Mandolarian Bounty Hunter. "You call this Traitor Reliable?" Krassis Trelix answered "I always fight for Mandalore not the Empire, or the Alliance, or any other system in this galaxy. Our past arraignment was an alliance of convenience. When it was no longer convenient for Mandalore our alliance with the Empire ended." Director Krennic intervened in attempt to mediate the upcoming hostilities on the bridge. "I am aware of his background and we have thoroughly investigate..gahk" Unwittingly Krennic drew the dark lord's wrath upon himself, unnatural forces leaped from Vader's hand and around the Director's throat. Amused but unwilling to let the person paying him expire he spoke on the director's behalf, "We also know where they are keeping Ren." Darth Vader released his hold on Krennic and turned back to the Bounty Hunter. "You will tell me where they have my son." Vader demanded from the Bounty Hunter. "Only when it is convenient, unless you are offering a convenient sum of credits." Darth Vader's hatred starts to boil from within, as if he is going to tear this ship in half. "No, another time then." And Krassis Trelix left the bridge. Director Krennic picked him self up off the floor finally recovering from the assault, and proceeded to follow after Krassis. Darth Vader turned to the comms officer, "Lieutenant, tell the dockmaster in 2c to attach a tracker on the Firespray there. I want to know where it is going." At once my lord" the junior officer immediately replied without even glancing towards the source of authority over his life. Darth Vader then turned back facing the command view-ports looking at the cold empty void only broken by dimly twinkling stars.