Tournament Concern "kinda"

By Mike1977, in KeyForge

We were talking about tournament possibilities for this game and I'm kinda concerned that from a store's financial perspective that they might see it more profitable to "mostly" support a must buy your deck at the tournament (for the tournament) type thing. AKA sealed...

As opposed to bringing your best/favorite deck. AKA constructed...

Any thoughts?

P.S. I'm really not sure how to label the tournaments for this game lol. Sealed and Constructed don't sound completely accurate.

Given how Magic works, with both sealed and constructed formats, and stores usually having different days for each, it wouldn't be too bad if stores do the same with SkyForge. One day it's bring-your-own, another day you step in the unknown.

2 minutes ago, RedMageStatscowski said:

another day you step in the unknown.

Half will always be unknown regardless of the format. lol

Edited by Mike1977

I meant in regards to your own deck. One day you know what weapon you're holding, another day you hope to get a big gun.

Has there been official word on "tournaments?" I only saw "organized play" which is not necessarily the same thing.

1 hour ago, RARodger said:

Has there been official word on "tournaments?" I only saw "organized play" which is not necessarily the same thing.

I remember Reading about tournaments either in the Main article or in the FAQ.

Guessing both will be played.

This game breaks the CCG/LCG mold. I wouldn't be surprised if, after a few tournaments get run, organizers of future ones also start changing formats to allow for the uniqueness of each deck. (Or, more precisely, the way that you can't just copy the other major decks out there.) And there is a lot of potential ideas:

Bring your own deck and sealed deck format: I don't think the standards will go away.
Handicapped: Bring your own deck. Play the tournament with handicaps based on the companion app's rating of your deck. (Obviously an easy system to game, so it probably wouldn't be for high-payout tournaments, just casual ones, or ones where all the players know each other.)
Deck exchange: Best 2 out of 3. Game 1 you play with your deck, game 2 you swap decks. If it goes on to game 3, you bid chains for the deck that won the first two games.
Deck swap: Bring in a deck. At the start of the tournament, everyone gets to look at the decks, and bid chains (that stick around through the tournament) for the deck you want. At the end of the tournament, you go home with the deck you played with.
Loser deck: Bring in your worst deck. Each game, hand it to your opponent, and play with his loser deck.

52 minutes ago, Xelto said:

... it probably wouldn't be for high-payout tournaments ...

Biggest prize I have seen so far is a playmat. Now, maybe they can be sold for a bit on eBay, but you aren't going to be leaving your day job for what you get in FFG events.

Mind you I like all your suggested formats, I can see many of them used in some form or another.

3 hours ago, Xelto said:

This game breaks the CCG/LCG mold. I wouldn't be surprised if, after a few tournaments get run, organizers of future ones also start changing formats to allow for the uniqueness of each deck. (Or, more precisely, the way that you can't just copy the other major decks out there.) And there is a lot of potential ideas:

Bring your own deck and sealed deck format: I don't think the standards will go away.
Handicapped: Bring your own deck. Play the tournament with handicaps based on the companion app's rating of your deck. (Obviously an easy system to game, so it probably wouldn't be for high-payout tournaments, just casual ones, or ones where all the players know each other.)
Deck exchange: Best 2 out of 3. Game 1 you play with your deck, game 2 you swap decks. If it goes on to game 3, you bid chains for the deck that won the first two games.
Deck swap: Bring in a deck. At the start of the tournament, everyone gets to look at the decks, and bid chains (that stick around through the tournament) for the deck you want. At the end of the tournament, you go home with the deck you played with.
Loser deck: Bring in your worst deck. Each game, hand it to your opponent, and play with his loser deck.

This is exactly what makes me excited for this game. The mechanics and such aren't even that compelling to me but all of the different tournament possibilities to make things fresh is really cool.