Thanks guys! You both have an almost uncanny ability to say just the most helpful and appropriate things, on an intellectual and emotional level. Your comments are interesting and appreciated. I probably shouldn't have had such an emotional reaction to that latest loss, but there was such irony in the fact that one of the few corruption cards even on the board at the time drove an investigator insane who should have been practically the most difficult to drive insane, and in a game I was so close to winning after a long drought in that department.
I do like the perspective that these games have a "training" dimension to them which should be appreciated as much as wins and losses. That's a very good point and provides a healthy perspective when the mood turns dark, as mine had.
Also, I did have a question come up in regard to Hecate's "Dreams in the Witch House" ability where Luck Checks have difficulty increased by one. I understand how that works on your garden variety luck check, where it becomes analogous to an added toughness in a combat check. I get that. But how does it work in an instance such as I ran into at Falcon Point:
"You find a footlocker washed up on the shore. Make a Luck (-1) check as you open it and consult the chart below:
0) The aquatic horror within is still alive! With a fishy stench and a revolting aspect, it oozes into the water and vanishes. Lose 1 Sanity.
1-2) Gain a common item.
3+) Gain $5.
This was actually on the turn that preceded Carolyn being driven insane. She rolled 1 success. Since the difficulty of Luck Checks was increased by one, I presumed this wasn't enough to claim a common item. But how should that work? Do you just subtract one success to reflect the added difficulty of the check in this case? Anyway, I chose not to spend any clue tokens, and Carolyn lost one sanity, dropping her sanity down to 2. In hindsight, that was a mistake, because she had the Luck skill, where each clue spent would count for a bonus die, but I didn't see the 2 sanity loss coming on the very next turn, although perhaps I should have. Of course Jacqueline and her Precognition was lost by then as she had been devoured. But it was partly out of confusion as to how to handle this situation that I just took the sanity loss (plus I wanted to preserve as many clues as possible, even if she did have 8 as I recall).
A couple of other oddities happened, as well. Wendy set the world record for quickest Blessing lost. During Arkham Encounters, Wendy was blessed while in the Dreamlands, when Jacqueline visited the South Church. Then on the ensuing Other World encounter that immediately followed, Wendy got this one: "A powerful wind scours away your memories, good and bad. Discard all of the following: Blessing, Curse, Detriment cards and Benefit cards."
Another note of interest was Sister Mary's lack of a warm welcome in Dunwich, at Bishop's Brook Bridge in particular. On her first visit there, she was picked up and arrested by an apologetic Sheriff Engle, who was responding to "complaints". Undaunted by that after she got out of jail, she returned and found that she was now Wanted. She remained Wanted for the rest of the game.
By the way, I should add that I replaced the deck that includes Wanted, Visions etc. (whatever that deck is called) that I had been using from the revised COTDP with the one from the original COTDP expansion, so that as long as Jacqueline was alive (about a third of the game), I was using the Visions card that was intended with this scenario.. I retained the Exhibit Encounters and Exhibit items deck and the Whispers marker from the new had a very minimal impact on the game in this case.
Sometimes after a tough loss, it's a difficult call as to whether I should just post right then, or hold off until my emotions aren't quite as jagged....although sometimes I tend to forget too much of what happened if I wait. The bottom line was this was really fun, especially for the first half or so of the game when things were really going "swimmingly", it was just tough to deal with the abrupt turn south that things took. But your encouraging words have inspired me to set this scenario up again tonight.... (I don't think I'll ever return to scenario 2, but I understand the point you make there, Avi.)