It's the Sheldon Gang scenario, right? You'll simply need a few spare tokens / markers to indicate these two extra variables. It's rather common with custom creations that you have some sort of new effect introduced by the Herald / Scenario rules. Corrupted locations give gangster tokens, gangster tokens trigger corruptions
Fan Creations League Stories and Comments
Yes,it is.I understand,and when it says:
-All stable locations except ye olde magick shop and arkham asylum are corrupted.It means that all locations of arkham are corrupted except these two or that all locations are corrupted except these two and also locations of Innsmouth and Dunwich?
-Gangster tokens are not drawn for being in stable locations during the first upkeep.This point I don't understand very well
- "in Arkham" refers to Arkham and all neighboring cities (the reasons why this is done in the league is to avoid people using the expansion boards as "safe place" to trick the Mythos)
- this is because investigators start on stable locations, and we didn't want to penalize investigators from the very beginning of the game. Imagine this: the power of a location corrupts you if you spend enough time there. Hence, if you are at location X during the Upkeep, it means you've spent the previous Encounter phase there, and hence, got corrupted in the meantime. But if you start at a location? No need to overpenalize people for this
-But so all the locations are corrupted from the beginning?It's a bit crazy O.o
-It seems fair
Well i understand the mechanic of this scenario i think ^^ by last i would like know what do you think about the league?you recommend me for the future?Now i have arkham horror basic,dunwich,kingsport and The black goat of the woods and i carry thirty games only with the basic(the others...they are unworn.Well yesterday i use the cards of epic battle with nyarlathotep) so i have a long way to go
Yeah, I agree, it's a bit crazy, but you also have to consider this (which answers to your point in the last paragraph): the League was designed to provide a challenge for those who mastered the game. This means people who know the game so deeply that they win most of the times and they want to go the extra mile, suffer, being under real pressure. It was also created to show how deep you can go in Arkham, and to showcase custom creations done by fans over the years.
So, it's insanely difficult on purpose.
If you're just starting your Arkham experience, I'd suggest you not to start now the League. Discovering Arkham is wonderful. You have a world in a box, a game with an endless replayability that will allow you countless hours of fun. Play it as it is, let the game grow on you and once you've mastered it, come and join the League, I'll keep it running as long as there's people showing interest in the game and in these Scenarios
(this bit of advice comes from my personal experience: I won the League - actually, I'm the only one who completed all the scenarios - and this changed my way to play. The game is still fun for me, but I'd have regretted not having lived what I got before starting the league)
Wow!Your words encourage me
I will listen to you and i will go enjoying and mixing every expansion,when i ready i will be back and i will try be the second person who win the league(if no one it made before
A lot of thanks!
Wow!Your words encourage me
I will listen to you and i will go enjoying and mixing every expansion,when i ready i will be back and i will try be the second person who win the league(if no one it made before
A lot of thanks!
Good luck :'D or you can be the first person to beat it on hard mode. For the record, I designed everything to be beatable. It's just it requires understanding of the game mechanics for you to have 50-80% odds of winning. As Julia demonstrated, if you understand the game mechanics, you can beat the regular version with even higher odds ;'D Anyway, I hope Arkham brings you joy, or frustration bordering on suicidal despair, whichever you prefer, for years to come.
The creeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaator!!! Aviiii!!!
Hi avi!
Like you say,also i will try the hard mode buuut first the regular mode,I'm too young to die
Thanks also for the encouragement and especially for create the league,very good job!
P.D:I hope not have many nightmares with you in the future
Don't worry, Avi's a cool guy, if you manage to go beyond the wall of creeping darkness, the aura of evilness and all the rest
Now, grab your Night-gaunt plushie and be happy
That made me laught jajaja
But be careful or our friend hashtur will come to massacre us