It's been five years since I have posted on FFG's site and what could possibly make me return after all this time?
Only the Big Beast Of My Gaming Life - one of the two games I have given my highest rating to on Board Game Geek (the other game is a non-FFG one so I won't name it)!
When I saw the words "Arkham Horror Third Edition" I was very happy. Then I read the article.
Now, I'm not going to judge the game before I've played it but my excitement over the announcement waned as I read on.
"Scenario based" ... characters removed from the game when reduced to 0 Stamina or Sanity ... no skill sliders (one of the biggest tactical decisions you had to make each turn in the previous game) ... pulling tokens out of a cup for the Mythos phase (thus reducing the extremely varied potential of what effects could apply via a bit of game text) ...
None of this sounds like the Arkham Horror I love. Which is obviously the point seeing that this is a new edition ... but maybe they've taken out too much of what made the second edition so good? I hope not; but I am unconvinced at this stage.
More info soon, please FFG!