Can you not customize decks? Also, then basically isn't this just a blind-buy, CCG type situation then? I know we don't know a lot, but it looks great other than those two ideas.
Can you not customize decks? Also, then basically isn't this just a blind-buy, CCG type situation then? I know we don't know a lot, but it looks great other than those two ideas.
It's actually worse. In a CCG model if you get a good card out of a pack of bad ones, you can use it. Here regardless if you are lucky enough to get a good one, if all the rest is garbage it's useless. In he team covenant feed Brad confirmed that it's absolutely possible ( although extremely rare) to come across a deck with 16 times the same card. ( The maverick mechanic apparently allows some cards to be printed in a different faction from time to time). Good or not I bet you will be happy to have a deck where 1 card out of 2 is always the same and you just keep spamming it.
It's already confirmed that the decks will have unique card backs that show the archon it's tied to. You can't change the contents due to the card backs being unique, It's still blind buy, but you're blind buying the entire pre-built deck.
36 minutes ago, Hellvlad said:It's actually worse. In a CCG model if you get a good card out of a pack of bad ones, you can use it. Here regardless if you are lucky enough to get a good one, if all the rest is garbage it's useless. In he team covenant feed Brad confirmed that it's absolutely possible ( although extremely rare) to come across a deck with 16 times the same card . ( The maverick mechanic apparently allows some cards to be printed in a different faction from time to time ). Good or not I bet you will be happy to have a deck where 1 card out of 2 is always the same and you just keep spamming it.
Heh, I guessed as much. (brings with it it's own problems ofcourse)
If I was dubious about investing in destiny I am 10 fold less likely to go down this rabbit hole.
So my question is, if this is randomly generated, isn't it then feasibly possible for two identical decks to be produced? I get that it would be a 1/ 104,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 probability but isn't it still feasibly possible?
Technically yes. But the odds for that are astronomical.
Besides they probably have a database of all printed decks and if a new one like it is about to be printed it gets re-randomized.
The decks are not random, they are procedurealy generated to *be* unique. Otherwise printing the deck list and QR code on the Archon card would be impossible (or at least very error prone).
I strongly suspect each deck is printed one one sheet, cut and packed. The sheets are generated in house at FFG and sent to the printers.