Yes. I know. I KNOW! We've been through this a million times, with as many half-baked ideas. I know.
But I'm half-baking anyway!
For some groups, Conflict works just fine as-is. While I mostly like how it works, my group suffers from that "Skate to Paragon" issue. Mostly, i'm not very good at keeping on top of how much Conflict is earned, and we don't usually have time at the end of a session to tally it up, so my group earns it more slowly than it should.
Back in the Edge of the Empire days, before Morality was a thing, someone suggested a Dark Side obligation. This could be earned through the use of Dark Pips, and doing naughty things. If you only have one Force-User, this can work pretty well, as the penalties can easily reflect the hardships of working with someone who's got pure hatred coursing through him.
So I started thinking of using something similar. Track Conflict as usual. Tally up all those Dark pips and aggressive actions, but don't roll a d10 at the end of each session (or two). For the most part, it just keeps building. But each session, the GM rolls d100. If it rolls under a character's Conflict, that character will have a Crisis in the session (yeah, I know. Roll ahead of time so you can plan it). Pretty much like triggering Morality as usual, the character needs to face some sort of real challenge to his Emotional Strength and Weakness. If he succeeds, he greatly reduces his Conflict. If he fails, he increases it.
That's the basic idea. I'm still monkeying with the numbers in my head. Part of the puzzle is choosing which character triggers the crisis, as I think only one should be triggered per session. Let's say you have two Jedi, Goofus and Gallant. Goofus makes a lot of bad choices, and has Conflict 60. Gallant makes much better choices, and has Conflict 15. Naturally, if the GM rolls 40, Goofus has a crisis. But let's say the GM rolls 14. Who has a crisis? Should it be the character with the highest Conflict? This would mean that low-conflict characters would very rarely have that spotlight, and Light Side Paragon would be a very temporary condition, as such a character would slide slowly toward the Dark until they had enough Conflict to exceed their compatriots. While I like the idea of a character being dragged down by nasty friends, I think it would be better to trigger the Lowest Conflict Character that can still trigger.
The other question would be: how much Conflict is wiped away on a successful Crisis? I'm thinking half the d100 roll?
Anyway. of the general idea, whaddyall think? Terrible? I did think of it at like 2 am.