Rolling two triumphs in one go

By toyvousamaki, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG

Hi all

Newbie to the game and was games master for a session tonight. One NPC minion group managed to roll two triumphs in one roll. As games master, how would I interpret this into the game. Would it just be considered a single triumph or something more? Thanks in advance for any help.


Was it in combat? The table for spending Triumph and Advantage in combat (EotE Core, p206) has examples that go all the way up to 2 Triumph results


When dealing damage to a target, have the attack destroy a piece of equipment the target is using, such
as blowing up his blaster or destroying a personal shield generator.

Or you could proc two different 1-Triumph cost results. Personally, I would use one to affect the combat mechanics (proc a crit, for example), and the other to introduce a twist or complication into the combat (a piece of gear is disabled, a door control is shot out sealing the players in or out, etc).

Edit: a similar rule applies to Advantages and Threats: if someone rolls 4 advantage, they could purchase the same 1-cost benefit 4 times, 4 different 1-cost benefits, or mix and match, as long as the total spent does not exceed the amount rolled.

Edited by panpolyqueergeek

Awesome, tx for the advice and guidance, much appreciated. Yes it was in combat. Group of storms hit one of the group members with the rifles. I like the idea of splitting the one crit hit with an additional story related benefit

Cheers Toyvo