A Daqan unit that has a modified Rune Construct that has a Catapult (or something to that effect) on it's back and is manned by a tray of crew.
2 x 1 (The RunePult and Crew)
Additional buys:
3 x 1 (The RunePult and two tray of Crew)
3 x 2 (RunePult and two crew in the backline, one line of infantry in the front)
The unit can move but cannot shoot if it does. To shoot, you must dial in the "Ready" command and the Ranged Action. The ranged action, then plays out differently:
Once you reveal your Ranged Action, you must declare a target and then guess aloud a range band (2, 3, 4 or 5, cannot fire at range 1). You then measure, using line of sight rules from the RunePult ONLY (not the entire tray like normal). If the unit is in line of sight AND the correct range band, you may roll two red dice for the attack.
After attacking, immediately receive a stun token.
RunePult would have Brutal: Stable.
You would be able to add Champions:
Range Finder (Grants Precision 1)
Runic Agitator (Changes the Brutal: Stable Runes to Brutal: Unstable Runes but if 4 Unstable runes are present, before firing, you gain a panic token.)
I think this would be a unique and interesting unit for Rune Wars. Naturally it would need balancing as the above is potentially devastating.
Peoples thoughts?
New Unit Idea - Runic Catapult
Sounds like ..
I really like what you added with the support guys in surrounding trays. I'm 50/50 on the range-guessing. Very interesting idea the way you put it all together!
I love how close it is to a unit that is already out. If anything just means you were pretty spot on with an idea that may work. I think adding the splash damage idea is kind of cool. Any unit in range one from your target location (lets say you say 3 but they're at 4) you hit 3 and anything in that band in the direction of the unit you chose would take full hit, and anything within range 1 or 2 of that band take half damage or something...
17 hours ago, Budgernaut said:Sounds like ..
I really like what you added with the support guys in surrounding trays. I'm 50/50 on the range-guessing. Very interesting idea the way you put it all together!
Wicked. This is my first time in Terronoth so those cards are all new to me!
13 hours ago, Curlycross said:I love how close it is to a unit that is already out. If anything just means you were pretty spot on with an idea that may work. I think adding the splash damage idea is kind of cool. Any unit in range one from your target location (lets say you say 3 but they're at 4) you hit 3 and anything in that band in the direction of the unit you chose would take full hit, and anything within range 1 or 2 of that band take half damage or something...
Maybe it could be something along the lines of, the TRAY directly under the spot takes two red dice worth of damage whilst TRAYS within range 1 of the initial impact receive a panic token and roll a blue dice?
I think that would represent the potential splash of having a arcane ball of rune induced fire smash into your ranks. Those directly under get engulfed, those near by potentially get caught and thank the Gods it wasn't an inch or two more in their direction.
I'm not a fan of guessing a range. Especially since you can measure with the range stick at any time, for any reason.
On 7/31/2018 at 4:41 AM, Viktus106 said:3 x 2 (RunePult and two cre w in the backline, one line of infantry in the fron t)
This would mean the catapult could be the first tray removed during an attack, afterwhich you are stuck with 2 trays of crew with nothing to do, and 3 trays of infantry with nothing to guard. Of course, you could just have a rule that says you must lose trays from the front row first.
13 hours ago, Budgernaut said:This would mean the catapult could be the first tray removed during an attack, afterwhich you are stuck with 2 trays of crew with nothing to do, and 3 trays of infantry with nothing to guard. Of course, you could just have a rule that says you must lose trays from the front row first.
Very true !
I would think the actual catapult part would have to be like an upgrade crad similar to Heavy upgrades like Rune Golems with it's own def/health. The crew would be 1/1, but it should take more than one damage to destroy a catapult.
Why not just make the catapult's physical model fill a 1x2?
It would always a reroll based on ranks, and would count as one model for purposing of assigning damage and removing models
21 hours ago, rebellightworks said:Why not just make the catapult's physical model fill a 1x2?
It would always a reroll based on ranks, and would count as one model for purposing of assigning damage and removing models
That was my thoughts when I first read this thread.
I feel like you make the siege Golem, give it a skill that can’t be paired with anything, garbage natural dice (or none), and give it a unique slot.
One of the uniques can be a runic catapult, the other some sort of battering ram to add melee dice.