Superpower talents

By IndianaWalsh, in Genesys

Hi. I'm working on my rules for playing superheroes , which uses power trees similar to the Star Wars Force Powers, and as a side project have converted those abilities to talents, for GMs who don't want to bother with my subsystem. Warning: because they started as power *trees*, the prerequisites for these talents are pretty intricately intertwined, so they may be a bit of a pain to read.

Genesys: Superheroes Talents 1.1

I'd love some feedback on the wording and XP costs and I figure converting the abilities to talents might make them more accessible for other groups and settings.

Edited by IndianaWalsh

The things that jumped out at me the most are:

1) Please indent your paragraphs or add spacing between paragraphs. The lack of these makes your introduction hard to read.

2) I suggest re-writing your introduction to indicate how you suggest the user may make use of incorporating these talents. If you feel there are several methods, fully elaborate on each method to the extent of perhaps providing examples. If you are not using trees, remove references to trees.

3) Example of my confusion: Are your base powers purchased as part of the standard Genesys talent structure and the upgrades handled separately or are the various upgrade talents (magnitude, etc) just mixed into the Genesys talent sheet with regular talents?

4) If you, as the author, feel that your writing may be confusing then think what others who are not familiar with what you intend will have to endure.

Rereading what I wrote, I realize that the introduction makes absolutely no sense when presented on its own, you're right. These pages are from an appendix to another project and their references to another subsystem (and a couple sub-subsystems) are definitely confusing to someone who hasn't just read the 30 pages describing that subsystem. Sorry for thoughtlessly taking them from that document instead of writing a proper introduction. This version should be a bit less confusing.

Thank you for pointing that out.

The introduction is much better. If the document is meant to stand on its own, you may wish to give a brief overview of how the talents are meant to go together since, if I understand it correctly, you have to buy a tier 2 talent (base control) before you can buy a tier 1 talent (ie Magnitude) which is different from the standard genesys rules.

I haven't read your document all the way through but if common upgrades such as range, magnitude, etc are the same for each power type do you need a specific magnitude (etc) talent for each power? Could you not say something like "When this talent is first acquired, it must be assigned to a base control power which cannot be changed. This talent may be purchased once for each base control power." This way you only have one magnitude (etc) talent instead of 6

Normally in Genesys, Talents are listed first by Tier and then alphabetically which is fine since most talents aren't extensively linked to each each other. In your superhero rules, many of the talents are associated with each other such as Animal Powers. It seems to me that finding talents would be easier if the related thematic talents are placed together such as all the mind control together and all the animal control together with the general talents that are more universal such as magnitude in a separate group.

Time late, brain mush, this sense hope make....