How good would the whole Rebels gang be?

By Mandalore of the Rings, in Imperial Assault Skirmish

I just added up the cost of the Rebels crew for skirmish. 37. That leaves 3 for Gideon (too bad his name isn't "Captain Rex"). I reckon it looks like a pretty decent team. What do you think? Bit too random on traits but thematically looks pretty fun. Another huge bonus is that as a new player you'd only need the Core and 3 blister packs! (Although, for good CCs you might need to borrow some cards...)

What do you mean by crew like Hera chopper Ezra etc?

13 hours ago, Zagnoroth said:

What do you mean by crew like Hera chopper Ezra etc?

Yes, that’s what he means.

Tpo bad Hondo or Maul won't fit as a special exception.

Kanan is the only one I'm dubious about. Almost all of them would do better in a list catered to them.

Sabine and the rangers

Ezra and the smugglers ( maybe some spy flavor)

Zeb a nd the gammoreans looks awesome if they'll bulk up the brawlers (don't know if they will do to Vader being so good) I'd love to see Merc Brawler command cards just to help out Bossk, Trandos, Nexu and GG

All together, the Spectres are going to be okay. Kanan and Ezra will work together well; Zeb will be decent slamming into Troopers or Weequays; Sabine can do some decent DMG on her own; Hera can help anyone and Chopper can lock down terminals and be really annoying.

The problem will be command cards, as their Traits really don't synergize very well. In particular, Ezra and Kanan's command cards need more Force User cards in the deck, which really subtracts from what the others can do. Might be better to use a lot of any figure cards (Brace For Impact, Second Chance, Positioning Advantage, etc.) with Sabine's card.

Also, you'll have some difficulty with 8-activation lists and not having 2 figures that can Focus. But the 6 Spectres + one more figure or attachments/upgrades (Extra Armor, Doubt, Targeting Computer for Sabine, Heroic Effort) will be playable.

Edited by cnemmick

Yeah, I meant:

Zeb (8)

Caleb Doom (8) (kidding, Kannan)

Ezra (7)

Sabine (7)

Hera (4)

Chopper (3)

with 3 leftover... couldn't do much better than Gideon obviously. Yeah, only 7 activations and not really good trait synergy BUT it only requires the core box and three blister packs... so then this got me thinking... what would be the best list you could field with only blister packs?

Here's my first quick try (the problem is, I haven't thought at all about which command cards you can get in those packs... wouldn't be that much to choose from but it's a fun challenge... Could someone field a decent team with only blister packs? FFG should release extra prints of CCs or something so people could do this (cheap people like me :)

eRangers (12)

Zeb (8)

Ahsoka (8)

Sabine (7)

R2 (3)

C3PO (2)

Only 5 activations but only 4 blister packs! You could maybe swap out eRangers for rRangers and Chopper (which would be one more blister.

Not many good command cards in those packs so it would be a pretty bad cc deck

I think you can take Worlds 2nd place list and rearrange it to include Sabine and CT (instead of Han+RHC+rSmuggler). Although CT synergizes with KoTun. So KoTun may be an alternative to Sabine if you want to go for the Trooper trait.

Edited by Golan Trevize

I definitely plan to play that list on my channel at one of our casual game nights after the expansion comes out.

It would be cool if there was a better thematic use for those remaining 3 points than just shoving in Gideon. Maybe something they'll think about in the future. ?


Ketsu Onyo?

Rukh? (just kidding, he'd be imperial, but cool to have nonetheless.

4 hours ago, nickv2002 said:

It would be cool if there was a better thematic use for those remaining 3 points than just shoving in Gideon. Maybe something they'll think about in the future. ?

Well, I'd like it if they'd make one or two new skirmish upgrades for the remaining 3 points specifically tailored to the whole gang of spectres, something giving them more synergy.

That being said, if you look at the show you'd realize that there were almost always team-ups of some spectres with another character or two, rare were the instances where all spectres were on a mission together as a group. I always wanted to base my dream team for skirmish around the rebels from the REBELS show, but I never wanted to put all of them in one team. The core of my dream team will consist of Ahsoka, Ezra (both of which go very well together thematically and with regards to their mobility in the game) and Sabine. I also plan to put Hera and Chopper in there for support, and the remaining points leave enough room for some flexibility. I stay far away from in my opinion boring auto-includes like the 'rebel care package', though.

Edited by Fourtytwo
39 minutes ago, Fourtytwo said:

Well, I'd like it if they'd make one or two new skirmish upgrades for the remaining 3 points specifically tailored to the whole gang of spectres, something giving them more synergy.

That being said, if you look at the show you'd realize that there were almost always team-ups of some spectres with another character or two, rare were the instances where all spectres were on a mission together as a group. I always wanted to base my dream team for skirmish around the rebels from the REBELS show, but I never wanted to put all of them in one team. The core of my dream team will consist of Ahsoka, Ezra (both of which go very well together thematically and with regards to their mobility in the game) and Sabine. I also plan to put Hera and Chopper in there for support, and the remaining points leave enough room for some flexibility. I stay far away from in my opinion boring auto-includes like the 'rebel care package', though.

Neat: I haven't seen a lot of the show, so it was good to hear that perspective. ?

While Gideon seems the obvious choice, I'm not sure he'll do that much. You have a bunch of 3-die people in the gang. Sure 4 is better than 3, but not as much as 3 is better than 2. You could add High Command (thematic) along with either Doubt, Extra Armor or perhaps even Balance if you need to spread out on the good CCs. This should ensure you a steady stream of CCs to support your motly crew.

The extra armor upgrade seems inspired by the show and would be useful for both ezra and sabine. Rebel High command or balance of the force seems uswful as well as well as one of the droid upgrades

12 hours ago, buckero0 said:

The extra armor upgrade seems inspired by the show and would be useful for both ezra and sabine. Rebel High command or balance of the force seems uswful as well as well as one of the droid upgrades

I believe best use of that will be for eJets and Vader. Ejets with this can't be one-shotted unless opponent gets extremely lucky or maybe using something focused and a 2/3 pts CC. In case of Vader, well it's pretty straightforward: 2 black dice, zillo, 2 block tokens, brace for impact, second chance, hour of need (likely at 3rd round or 4th which makes it the best healing card in the game by far), dying lunge (to discourage the kill or let Vader score a kill before dieing and possibly win the match before the opponent). Like this he'll be a tank.

Edited by Golan Trevize
3 hours ago, Golan Trevize said:

Hour of Need

Since when does Vader belong to the rebel-faction?

20 minutes ago, Fourtytwo said:

Since when does Vader belong to the rebel-faction?

For about two seconds when he threw the Emperor down an elevator shaft?

Yeah, extra armor looks pretty good on the Rebels/Spectre group. It would be great if there was a card that rewarded your team somehow for having MORE kinds of traits... Lots of games have a mechanic where you get something for "one of each". It's also cool having "hunter lists" or "spy lists" or whatever but maybe there could be a card that gives a bonus for 7 or 8 (or whatever) traits in your team. Just an idea. There must be like 11 traits or so... Also very cool that Sabine is a vehicle... she's the first Rebel vehicle right?

1 hour ago, Mandelore of the Rings said:

Yeah, extra armor looks pretty good on the Rebels/Spectre group. It would be great if there was a card that rewarded your team somehow for having MORE kinds of traits ... Lots of games have a mechanic where you get something for "one of each". It's also cool having "hunter lists" or "spy lists" or whatever but maybe there could be a card that gives a bonus for 7 or 8 (or whatever) traits in your team. Just an idea. There must be like 11 traits or so... Also very cool that Sabine is a vehicle... she's the first Rebel vehicle right?

I like that idea quite a bit! It'd still be a trade-off, since it's really hard to make a useful command card deck when your list's traits are all over the place, but a card that gave you an appreciable advantage for diversifying a bit could really open up some different and fun list building options.

I have no idea what kind of advantage it would be and it would be really tough to balance, but on the surface I think the idea is a great one.

46 minutes ago, ManateeX said:

It'd still be a trade-off, since it's really hard to make a useful command card deck when your list's traits are all over the place…

There are quite a lot of useful command cards by now which do not require a trait - depends on how you want to play with your team. I'm currently experimenting with this:

15 hours ago, Fourtytwo said:

Since when does Vader belong to the rebel-faction?

You're right I haven't considered the constraint.

On 7/30/2018 at 10:27 PM, aermet69 said:

While Gideon seems the obvious choice, I'm not sure he'll do that much. You have a bunch of 3-die people in the gang. Sure 4 is better than 3, but not as much as 3 is better than 2. You could add High Command (thematic) along with either Doubt, Extra Armor or perhaps even Balance if you need to spread out on the good CCs. This should ensure you a steady stream of CCs to support your motly crew.

4-dice kills 4 point figures in 1 Shot, 3-dice usually leaves them alive to shoot back at you and escape. That’s why everyone focuses Han round 1 instead of the 2nd Ranger.

Ha! "Diversify." That's the word I was looking for. There should be a card that gives a bonus for some high level of diversification. That would encourage some pretty weird teams.