And our lord purgatory's background - stats to follow now we've finished character creation
Robarte Morgayne Haarlock
Master Of The Insatiable, The "Buggery King", Navarch Of The Ilium Clanfleet, Lord Purgator Of The Black Crusade
Robarte Morgayne was the by-blow offspring of one of the most senior captains amongst the Ilium Clan-Fleet. The Haarlock name is well-known elsewhere in the Imperium for its ties to the great Rogue Trader dynasties, but amongst the clans of the Tyrant's Pyre, it is associated with its most infamous scion; "Phosphex Jack" Haarlock, the commander of the fleet during the retaking of Briseis, and the man responsible for the burning of Sanctity; considered an act of excessive overkill even by the Reavers of the Pyre.
In the decades which have passed in the ruined, time-distorted Briseis system since the storm engulfed it, three generations of the Haarlocks have remained amongst the highest of the Clan Fleet's 'nobility', and as more and more of the clans have relocated to Briseis from the collapsing holdfasts deeper in the Pyre, the Haarlocks have claimed more than their fair share of the infrastructure established throughout the system - and a sizeable number of the mountain-top fortresses on the resource-rich, warp-scarred world of Briseis itself.
Whilst the captaincy bloodlines give little credence to notions of 'legitimacy', Robarte was nevertheless a distaff offspring at best; one of the youngest of over twenty half-brothers and sisters and born to a concubine with little power, wealth or bloodline claims of her own. Pushed out by eager peers in no mood to tolerate additional rivals, he grew to adulthood as one of the few noble-born officers aboard Stonerain Hold, one of the Clan-fleet's most remote orbitals, deep amongst the tumbling asteroid belts and gravity rip-tides that had once been Briseis' moon. It was assumed by some of his rivals that the hazards of the region would kill him, sooner or later, and - at the very least - that it was not worth the expense of sending a truly reliable assassin after him. Nevertheless, a tolerably valuable bounty was posted on his head - attached to his body or not, as the claimant saw fit - and defeating the intermittent attempts to claim this reward saw him develop a reputation as a fearsome pistoleer.
When he eventually joined the Clan-fleet, he did so under an assumed name - secretly declaring his true parentage only to his father, and spent most of his early career as an arms-man on raiders granted to his more senior brethren, enforcing discipline and leading boarding parties during intermittent raids against other clans, or even (on rare occasions) striking from the Pyre into the Agenor subsector, before eventually being made a banner-captain and given a command of his own; an Iconoclast-class Raider sworn to the Haarlock banner called the Unspeakable Act .
Robarte's career as a reaver captain was marked by his ambition - some would say over-ambition - and he soon chafed at being orderd to accompany other Haarlock warships only to see the elder Haarlock scions delegate the bulk of the raid's risks to their escort ships and claiming the lion's share of the rewards as their larger, undamaged raiders would stake their first claim to the kill after the smaller ships had battered themselves against their prey's defences.
Still cautious about openly declaring his parentage without the means to protect himself, and lacking the authority or wealth to assemble a loyal raiding squadron himself, he began to launch solo raids into imperial space, relying on barely-stable warp routes and a knack for manoeuvring through the densest and most dangerous of celestial phenomena sharpened by the hazards of the Stonerain Belt. He forged alliances with smaller, 'home-grown' pirate and smuggler groups within the Ilium sector, paying them a portion of the plunder seized in return for providing hidden ports. These remote stations and outposts were comparatively safe - if small and badly equipped to handle a pirate vessel as large as the Unspeakable Act rather than the armed system ships the groups tended to field - and allowed him to withdraw and refit without needing to fall back to the Tyrant's Pyre after battle damage inflicted by ships of the Danaan or Agenor System Defence Fleets or the better-armed merchantmen amongst his victims. Operating beyond close scrutiny from the Haarlocks also allowed him to carefully mis-represent both the scale of his successes and the expenses in securing the services of the hidden wayports, which in turn permitted him to build up hidden caches of wealth and secure the private services of spys and other personal agents both within the Tyrant's Pyre and the Ilium sector.
Following his initial successes, he moved the Unspeakable Act out of the subsector entirely; aiming to prey on the vast wealth of the Dolon trade-route. Repeating his methods of securing basing rights amongst smuggler groups, and using the same sources that let the faceless traders find corruptible navy officers and arbites to find vulnerable convoys and valuable cargos, he soon began to cut a swathe through the shipping, picking on lone chartist freighters and seizing them in brutal boarding actions. Despite the risks in attracting attention to his actions, he seemed increasingly oblivious to the need for discretion and began to revel in his victories. Many of his less salubrious titles come from this period, and his habit on releasing the six most junior officers of a captured ship - after subjecting them to several days of torture and humiliation first. It was a point of perverse pride that in the taking of over a dozen prizes, he never once repeated the specific atrocities inflicted on any one victim.
Dolon, however, was to prove a much different proposition to the poorer worlds of Agenor. Dolon itself was a true hive-world, and inhabited by many rich and influential trading guilds, several of whom had sizeable commercial interests in the chartist freighters seized by the Unspeakable Act , and - whilst the subsector division of the Battlefleet Ilium was smaller than that assigned to the critical Pandarus Watch, without the looming threat of the Pyre at the subsector's border, ships could far more easily be committed to the suppression of piracy. Bankrolled by the Dolon guilds, battlefleet vessels reinforced convoy escorts, and intensified patrols in the outer reaches of star systems. One such patrol resulted in the Unspeakable Act itself being ambushed - and nearly destroyed - near Thersites II by the light cruiser Intractable . Caught in a spread of lance fire from the Intractable's chase armament as the dauntless-class closed from its hiding place amongst the gas giant's rings, the raider's gunnery deck was hit and most of its macrocannons wrecked in an instant. Fires raged along the length of the raider and would have risked the ship itself had Robarte not ordered the burning decks vented - killing most of the gunnery crew out of hand.
The Unspeakable Act barely evaded the navy warship, plunging into the rings of Thersites II, and even skimming the gas giant's upper atmosphere - a hazardous move at the best of times, but near-suicidal given the battered state of the Iconoclast's hull - in an attempt to break contact. Whilst the Intractable various refits left it well-equipped to traverse celestial phenomena, in the end the smaller size and higher acceleration of Robarte's ship, along with his complete disregard for the survival of his crew, allowed him to break contact and limp to the temporary safety of one of his hidden wayports hidden in the depths of the system's halo.
Repairing the raider was a task beyond the ship's crew, even with the aid of the wayport's drydock. The hull and lesser systems could easily be made good, but to replace the half-kilometre mass of fuzed scrap metal forming the central deck with the macrocannons which had once been fitted there would require the yards of Briseis. Slinking back to the Tyrant's Pyre in apparent defeat stuck in Robarte's craw, and he refused to even consider the notion - and besides which, bested once by the captain of the Intractable , his bruised ego demanded revenge. Even fully repaired, the Unspeakable Act would be little match for a battlefleet-crewed warship over three times her mass, so Robarte simply discarded the concept of a direct confrontation - and instead took what he saw as the simplest approach to the problem; he surrendered command of the Unspeakable Act to one of his subordinates and discarded all his trappings and insignia of rank, contacted one of his most trusted agents within the Dolon subsector with secret instructions, and finally, without informing any of his officers, sent out a wide-band vox message announcing the location of his wrecked warship to the Battlefleet Ilium.
A squadron of battlefleet frigates arrived within two days of Robarte's transmission, reaching gun range of the wayport and the Unspeakable Act before the latter's plasma drive - which had been laid open for repairs - could be made spaceworthy. Unable to run or fight, the raider's newly-appointed commander was forced to surrender, and his career as a Haarlock banner-captain was cut summarily short by a naval commissar's bolt pistol. The entire crew of the wayport was imprisoned, and - after interrogation and further executions - taken to the Stygian Outpost on the surface of Thersites V, where slave labour was used up at a ferocious rate clearing the carnivorous plants of the jungle safely back from the walls of the penal outposts.
Hidden amongst the common population, Robarte worked amidst the scythe-gangs, cutting back throttler-vines and chokeflowers. More than once, he was forced to join in as the slave workers were drafted to serve in the megapredator hunts whose bounty earned the deathworld its income - always seeking to survive but careful not to distinguish himself by either success or failure from his peers. All the while, he secretly built a cadre of trusted loyalists amongst the stronger prison workers, training them in some of the combat skill he had learned as a Clan-Fleet arms-man.
Meanwhile, Robarte's agents were moving at large in the Dolon subsector. Two highly-skilled servants bought at great expense from the distant Acedian cloister, they spent two years, and no small amount of Robarte's coin, installing themselves in positions of influence; one becoming no less than Seneschal to the Chamberlain of Theristes' Imperial Commander, whilst the other's wiles ensnared the first officer of the Intractable , becoming his mistress and subsequently - and secretly - also seduced the captain in the palatial officer's decks of the warship . These agents' influence allowed Robarte to ensure that the next time the Intractable required a draft of fresh voidsmen, it would be met by impressed workers from the criminal population of Stygian Outpost, offered at a cost per head few ship's pursers could refuse, and guaranteed that not only he but his entire cohort of followers - now several thousand strong - would be amongst those offered to the battlefleet as viable hands.
Smuggling weapons aboard the ship in containers purporting to contain megapredator meat, with several thousand loyal arms-men hidden amongst the pressed voidsmen of the crew, and the ship's two most senior officers provided with pleasurable distractions from the rigours and details of their duty, it should come as little surprise that Robarte was able to successfully organise a mutiny. In fact, he swiftly earned his position as an able voidsman and subsequently petty officer - hardly surprising with the command experience of former reaver captain behind him - and with the freedom of movement this earned, he and his Acedian servant were able to co-ordinate the mutiny perfectly; the courtesan 'arranging' to have the first officer discover her secret liasons with the captain, resulting in an immediate, unsanctioned, and -for the captain - fatal duel, followed by arrest pending courts-martial of the first officer less than an hour before Robarte launched his assault. With the ship's command structure effectively decapitated, the lieutenants were left unsure what was occurring for too long to respond effectively, and the heavy weapons smuggled from Theristes - if perhaps better suited to megapredator hunts than close-quarter fighting in the 'tweendecks, left their loyal armsmen massively outgunned. After three hours of fighting, the officers of the Intractable were forced to surrender. True to form, Robarte set the six most junior lieutenants adrift in an lighter after celebrating his victory, and then - after a brief diversion to one of his wayports to make good the damage inflicted in the mutiny and take on additional enforcers to keep any loyalists amongst the navy crew suppressed, set course for the Tyrant's Pyre in his prize.
Evading the Battlefleet Ilium patrols across the Agenor subsector challenged even Robarte's skill as a navigator, but the same refits which had helped the Intractable pursue his raider now helped him skirt the system deeper within dust clouds and asteroid belts than any destroyer patrol could realistically search, and after a month spent largely at silent running his exhausted crew moored at a Haarlock dockyard in Briseis. The Intractable was an immense prize - in common with most reavers, the Ilium Clan-fleet boasted few heavier ships of any , let alone a vessel as powerful as a dauntless-class. Capture of the ship immediately elevated Robarte's status to amongst the highest ranks of the Haarlock banner-captains, subordinate only to those who openly shared the bloodline he had kept a closely guarded secret.
Robarte could, at this point, have declared his parentage openly and been grudgingly accepted by his half-brothers and sisters, but instead chose to offer his light cruiser prize as a flagship for the bloodline's fleet, under the command of the elder Haarlock scions, on the proviso he was recognised as her banner-captain. With their enthusiastic agreement - and their wealth backing him - he threw himself into a sweeping programme of refits, defiling and tearing out the shrines that once adorned the dorsal towers of the Intractable and replacing them with luxurious pleasure palaces. Much of the ship's armour and bulkheads - inside and out - were stripped out in favour of covering the hull and officer's decks in gold, statuary and disturbing and entrancing artworks whilst the ship's life sustainers were modified to pump narcotics into the decks of the crew, squelching any thought of mutiny amongst the former naval voidsmen beneath a haze of drug-addled stupor that left them oblivious to the squalid conditions in which they now lived and worked. Finally, the Aquila which had once graced the prow of the ship was hacked away, and an elegant power-fielded falchion-blade some six hundred metres high added to the leading edge of the prow.
Rechristened the Insatiable , the light cruiser spent a decade undergoing modification in the depths of the warp, oblivious to the passage of time outside the storm. Moored to the Haarlock dockyards whilst work was completed, the domes and halls of its decks were filled with treasures and the courtesan-harems of the various Haarlock scions, and it became a spaceborne palace for the bloodline. On completion of the refit, to honour his 'masters', Roboute laid on a vast celebration in the sensorium decks, inviting all his half-brothers and half-sisters to attend the revels and pleasures on offer, whilst the elder generations of the bloodline were shown the potential of the warship from the armoured vaults of the bridge deck. Whilst there, amongst the leading captains of the Haarlock bloodline, he finally declared his heritage openly, looking to his father to acknowledge him. The elder captain might well have done so freely, but Robarte Haarlock had no interest in allowing him the option - instead ordering the hatches and doors of the sensorium decks sealed, and giving a signal to loyal members of his crew to begin flooding the sensorium's life sustainers with slaught, frenzon, barrage and half a dozen more foul and vicious concoctions.
The room erupted in an orgy of violence.
Assassin-courtesans concealed amidst the harems might or might not have been sufficient to see to the slaughter of his peers, but with the various reaver captains, their bodyguards and servants all frenzied and sent half-insane by the fumes, as many fell by one another's hands as by Robarte's assassins. Within a handful of minutes, Robarte was left the sole surviving heir of his father's, leaving the elder captain little choice - even had he been inclined otherwise - but to accept him as a true captain of the Haarlock bloodline .
Commanding the most powerful single warship of the Ilium Clan-Fleet, and with the imprimatur of the Haarlock bloodline, Robarte Morgayne Haarlock was granted the title of Navarch - the mark of a first captain amongst equals and the equivalent of a mark of admiralty amongst the Ilium Reavers - and as the agents of the Black Legion came to bring unity of purpose to the clans for the first time since the retaking of Briseis, it was little surprise that he was recognised as their foremost naval commander.
Alignment : Slaanesh
Archetype : Pirate Prince
Pride : Wealth
Disgrace : Hubris
Motivation : Nihilism
35______45____35____35_____40_____40______35______37_____ (7) 55_____62_________11____________65
- Charm +20
- Awareness +10, Command +10, Dodge +10, Forbidden Lore (Pirates) +10, Operate (Voidship) +10, Trade (Voidfarer) +10
- Acrobatics, Commerce, Common Lore (Ilium Sector, Imperial Navy, War), Deceive, Forbidden Lore (Warp), Intimidate, Linguistics (Low Gothic), Navigate (Stellar), Parry, Psynicience, Scrutiny, Tech-Use
- Air Of Authority
- Use Both Hands Freely
- Beloved Leader
Kill Minions For Interaction Bonus
Cold Hearted
Immune To Seduction, +20 To Resist Interaction Checks
Crack Shot
Increase Critical Damage By +2 With Shooting Attacks
Deadeye Shot
Reduce Penalty For Called Shots
Double Team
+10 WS For Outnumbering Enemies
Enemy (Imperial Navy)
-10 To All Fellowship Tests When Interacting With The Imperial Navy
Excessive Wealth
+10 To Acquisition Tests
Greater Minion Of Chaos
- Alceian Gulana Cloister Saboteur
Greater Minion Of Chaos
- Alceian Luxillian Cloister Saboteur
No Penalty For Dual-Wielding Pistols
- Hard Target
Heightened Senses (All)
- +10 To Perception Tests
Horde Minion Of Chaos
A Horde Of Minstrels
- Inspire Wrath
- Iron Discipline
Immune To Mundane Fear
- Leap Up
Lightning Reflexes
Roll An Extra D10 And Pick The Best For Initiative
- Mimic
Nerves Of Steel
Reroll Fear & Pinning Tests
- Radiant Presence
Rapid Reaction
Test Agility To Avoid Surprise
Rapid Reload
1/2 Actions To Reload
Two-Weapon Wielder (Ranged)
Fire Two Ranged Weapons In A Single Attack
Weapon Training (Chain, Power, Las, Plasma, Primary, SP, Bolt)
Use Weapon Types Without Penalty
Creature Of Comfort
- Ignore a -10 penalty from quality in acquisitions, but suffer a -10 penalty to all checks relying on poor quality equipment
Manaical Narcissist (Operate Voidship)
- Gain an extra +10 when spending an infamy point, but must immediately re-attempt if failed
The Quick And The Dead
- Initiative +2
Unnatural Fellowship (2)
- Increased Fellowship Bonus, Gain 1 Bonus Degree Of Success On Fellowship Tests
Gifts & Rewards
Daemonic Name
- Increased Infamy (included)
Eye Of Chaos
- Gain Psynicience
- Double degrees of success on Fellowship tests
- Gain 1 extra unarmed attack
The Mark Of Slaanesh
- Unnatural Fellowship (+2) and Heightened Senses (All)
Weapons & Equipment
Soul Reaper & Chaos Drinker
Two Good Craftmanship, Legacy Weapon, Single Shot Plasma Pistols
Legacy Of Excess (Agility), Subtle (Both), Precise ( Soul Reaper )
-30 to find the weapon when searching (or locate the firer)
Pistol Plasma Weapon, 50m, S/-/-, 2D10+10E, Pen 13, Clip 3, Never Jams
Best Craftsmanship Bolt Pistol
Best Craftsmanship Power Sword
1D10+6, Pen 5, Balanced, Power Field, +10 WS
Best Craftsmanship Light Carapace
6 AP (All except Head)
Good Craftsmanship Refractor Field
Protection Rating 30
Best Craftsmanship Void Suit
8 hours air, no agility penalty
Good Quality Alcohol
Good Craftsmanship Cartograph
Nerve Induction Tines
+10 Charm and Interrogation against restrained targets
Edited by Magnus Grendel