Dale deck seems powerful!

By antonick, in Strategy and deck-building

These days I built a deck around the Dale characters of the Wilds of Rhovanion expansion. It enabled me to take advantage of many synergies of Dale and Scout traits.

The idea is that Redwater Sentry (+ Hauberk of Mail) and North Realm (+Spare Hood and Cloak ) Lookout are really good cards with the right attachments on them, and Leadership Brand makes sure you get plenty of drawing to setup quickly. Miruvor ends up to be a really versatile attachment, preferrably to use again and again on Lanwyn. Ranger Summons combos nicely with Lanwyn (getting that extra surge is a double win now).

All in all, a couple of mediocre cards really shine together in this deck.

I managed to beat The Lonely Mountain Nightmare (with a bit of luck) the first time I played it! With any of my other decks this seemed to be impossible! (The Lonely Mountain with a Dale deck - Felt so right!)

This is a decklist, I am sure there can be a lot of improvements to it!

Deck Created with CardGameDB.com The Lord of the Rings Deckbuilder

Total Cards: (50) Hero: (3)

1x Brand son of Bain (The Wilds of Rhovanion) 1x Lanwyn (The Thing in the Depths) 1x Idraen (The Three Trials)

Ally: (16)

3x Gandalf (Core Set) 3x Knight of Dale (The Dungeons of Cirith Gurat) 3x Redwater Sentry (The Wilds of Rhovanion) 3x North Realm Lookout (The Wilds of Rhovanion) 2x Celduin Traveler (The Nin-in-Eilph) 2x Rhovanion Outrider (Temple of the Deceived)

Attachment: (19)

3x Steward of Gondor (Core Set) 3x Unexpected Courage (Core Set) 3x Ancient Mathom (A Journey to Rhosgobel) 3x Miruvor (Shadow and Flame) 3x Hauberk of Mail (The Wilds of Rhovanion) 2x Spare Hood and Cloak (Over Hill and Under Hill) 2x King of Dale (The Wilds of Rhovanion)

Event: (13)

3x Sneak Attack (Core Set) 3x A Test of Will (Core Set) 3x Ranger Summons (The Lost Realm) 2x Well Warned (The Sands of Harad) 2x Scouting Party (Temple of the Deceived)

Side Quest: (2)

1x Double Back (Escape from Mount Gram) 1x Gather Information (The Lost Realm)

Edited by antonick

I’m impressed you pulled of a strong Dale deck without Bard son of Brand and three copies of King of Dale. Nice deck!