7 players
4 Uthuk
2 Daqan
No elven representation
My list:
Total Unit Cost: 22
Ravos the Everhungry [40] 1x1
Viscera Goblet [7]
Insatiable Hunger [3]
Total Unit Cost: 50
Spined Threshers [28] 2x1
Scuttling Horror [3]
Total Unit Cost: 31
Spined Threshers [28] 2x1
Scuttling Horror [3]
Total Unit Cost: 31
Berserkers [50] 3x3
Frontline Spined Thresher [7]
Warsprinter [3]
Aggressive Shrieker [5]
Total Unit Cost: 65
Round 1: Careful Approach, Supply Raid
My opponent brought
2X 2x1 Thresher with Scuttling
2X 2x1 Flesh Ripper with Dead Sprint
Ravos with Fear Incarnate
2x2 Berserkers with Psychosis Siren, Serrated Spines, and Warsprinter
This game ended up being a lesson in unpacking. He moved most of his forces straight West, with a Rippers going south for tokens and a Thresher going southwest for tokens. I sent Ravos east to meet the Rippers and had most of my forces go north to meet his. The most critical part of this game was that his Ravos ended up jammed behind a unit flesh Rippers and one of his Threshers and didn’t perform an attack until turn 6 or so.
Final score: 340-56. I had 7/8 tokens
Round 2: Stand-off, Confluence of Magic
My opponent had:
6 tray Spearmen with Lance Corporal and Shield Wall
2 tray Spearmen
4 tray Oathsworn with Wind Rune
1 tray Golem
2X 3 tray crossbows with rank, tempered, and marching
His army deployed cautiously and he set up overlapping blockers (including a rock) for the crossbows. The Spearmen to the west and the Cav to the east. I had Ravos on my east, Rippers pointed at tokens, and a threshers across from his Spearmen. The berserkers were across from his golem, 2tray Spears, and a crossbow.
This game was very much a lesson in activation order. Over the course of turns 3&4 (maybe 2&3) my berserkers performed a shift/skill to catch and kill the Rune golem before it shifted away, then performed a speed 1 move+skill on the next turn. That move/skill let me charge and kill his 2 tray Spearmen and then charge his crossbows. So in two turns I had cleared half the threats.
We discussed that moment after the game. He had had initiative and had an armor up dialed in at I3 on the Spearmen. He activated his Oathsworn at I3 that turn first. Had he activated the Spearmen and armored up, I wouldn’t have cleared the spears and would have eaten two point blank crossbow shots. Hard to say how the game pans out from there, but it would have been much bloodier.
Final score: 200-23. I’m now at 20 and 377. 2nd place has 15.
Round 3: Unprepared, Demoralize Their Forces
my opponent had:
3X 2 tray Zoidbergs
1 tray Thresher
2X 4 tray berserkers. Both had corruption Rune. One had Rage spine and bloodfire witch. One had bannerscamp and cacophony reaver.
This match was fascinating, strange, and disgusting. We drew 3 capacity 2 terrain and deployed them packed tight in a triangle in the West half of the map. I deployed East. He deployed west. Basically, I waited and moved in slowly while waiting for red runes to come up. On a turn with 4umstable, I forced engagement when I caught one of his berserkers with a reform charge that he wasn’t ready for. The rest of my army rolled up slowly to keep my berserkers from getting surrounded.
The following 4-5 turns were a massive exercise in trying to screw each other using scuttling horror, corruption Rune, and learning how truly awful Ravos can be in the right spot. Ravos had a full 3 turns of triggering his surge in a row before he died. He put up something like 7 wounds on Threshers and killed 3 berserkers with the surge. He also killed a 4tray berserkers while he was at it before a flanking Zoidberg wiped him out.
I need to note that this match had some impressive use of Cacophony Reaver and Corruption Rune together. He knew when the Rune would inflict a stun token and used it to stop a flank charge by my threshers. He also knew if the card would bounce or do damage before triggering it. It had a clear effect on the game that wasn’t a direct smash smash effect.
Final score was 27 points for 1st. 2nd, 3rd, and 4th all had 19. 3rd and 4th actually had tied MoV and went to strength of schedule.
Edited by Church14