Super Fighting Robot

By CWSmythe, in Your Settings

Hey all,

With the release of the Mega Man X Legacy Collections, I've been on a bit of a Blue Bomber tear lately and was wondering how people would adapt this classic video game series to Genesys. How would you handle the capturing of boss abilities? Are they just different weapons, with some tags to make them elemental and/or unique? Assuming you are going with the X universe, how would you handle the various upgrades, are they equipment, special powers, spell effects?

Looking forward to hearing everyone's thoughts as my experience with Genesys is purely theoretical, my group is in the middle of a 5E campaign right now, so we haven't gotten a chance to try out Genesys.

Weapons could come in one of two varieties. To keep it true to the original material, they'd be weapons with the Limited Ammo quality. To make them closer to the Command Mission system, they'd be special combat actions that require Strain to pull off. Another option would be to base them on the Runestones from Terrinoth - X would use them as Implements, and Zero could use them as active powers (just make most of them melee attacks, since this is Zero we're talking about). Personally, I think the Runestone method works best, since it allows for multiple characters to acquire the same power but use it differently, and it keeps the limited use without making it ridiculously complex.

For body slot upgrades, I'd suggest using Attachments for it. None of them really change the way X or Zero function on a basic level (except for the explosive chest piece in X3, I think?). This way, your Android/Reploid can keep the same armor configuration and then mod it as they see fit.

Edited by RyuujinKatsuya

The boss weapons is kind of a game mechanic, and the variable weapon system is unique to X. You could very well not have the weapon copy ability as each player would be playing their own unique reploid. So it would really be coming up with a personal system, and the "weapon get" could simply be a large boost of XP + a new item or something, but that is just my thoughts on that.