The title of the post pretty much says it all, we've all talked about how easy it is to implement some of Sea of Blood's rule changes into the Road to Legend, my question is, do people think they should be included? Specifically I'm talking about the following changes:
Divine Favor
+1 Fatigue Upgrades (rather than +2)
Have to destroy 4 cities before sieging Tamalir (to conicide with the destroy any 5 cities victory condition from Sea of Blood)
Multiplying the Dungeon Leaders health based on the campaign level (if you play with the SoB dungeon cards you will do this when you draw its levels anyway)
Integrating the Bonus Health from Sea of Blood into the Final Battle (it calculates the Avatar's and Hero's bonus health based on the conquest they have earned over the entire campaign, rather than just from when they entered the Overlord's keep).
I think the LTs getting no treachery but being able to place orders is definitely NOT meant to be put into RtL as the LT encounters differ greatly between the two of them. But what about the rest of the rule changes?
I know people said that 11 fatigue heroes at the Gold Campaign was ridiculous, but aren't the heroes supposed to be a little ridiculous by the time gold level rolls around? Would Divine Favor change things too much? Many people said the Tamalir rush was the *only* viable Overlord strategy (or at least the best one), yet didn't it carry great risks if the heroes managed to counter it? Would the bonus health make the final battle less trivial or would it not interact well with certain Avatar upgrades (like the SK's upgrade that boosts his health by 200 which could concievably give him over 800 health with the SoB rules)?
I was thinking about starting a Road to Legend campaign, and was wondering if people thought that the rules from Sea of Blood should be added, or if it is fine the way it is.