Base of Operations

By Lukey84, in Star Wars: Age of Rebellion RPG

My group chose the Base of Operations as a starting resource. It seems like the basic version of Base of Operations is just a credit gain, what did you do to identify your PCs Base of Operations? Were they part of a large base like on Yavin, or were they a small cell somewhere?

In one game, I went with it being a small cell. Their base of operations was just the basement of a sympathetic cafe, albeit equipped with everything they needed to make secure contact with the Alliance, decrypt files in a non-networked environment, and store their gear in an inconspicuous way, in addition to having living quarters that amounted to just cots. I also said there was street access that could be modified to allow a speeder to be driven into the underground space, but they were missing both the speeder and the modifications needed. It gave them room to grow.

They weren't in there for too long, but they got good use out of it. I got good use out of the related NPCs, as well, since the owner and her daughter knew about the hidden outpost, but the owner's brother—a die-hard Imperial supporter—had to be kept in the dark. There wasn't a lot of drama around that, though.

It outlived its usefulness when the PCs helped lead the charge in liberating the planet. After that, they got permanent berths in the Alliance fleet and started operating out of their own ship. But I had plans in case they stuck around and wanted to expand, including converting an entire floor of an office building and having to make up a dummy corporation.

Making them part of a large base is fine, too. In a game I'm currently running, that's pretty much how the rebels operate. They started out with a limited cachet and not a lot of people willing to put their necks out to help, but as they gained Contribution Ranks, more and more of the base started being useful. Unfortunately, the Empire recently discovered its location, so now they're in the process of evacuating.

And don't forget that Far Horizons (colonist) has rules for creating a homestead/business, and Desperate Allies (Diplomat) has rules for creating rebel bases. Strongholds of Resistance also has some sample larger bases. Any of these can help inspire or provide ideas for things to do with the base of operations!

You might want to check out the Order 66 podcasts on the books that relate to this subject.

I'm pretty sure that the "Base of operations" option is less about an actual base the players build and run like in Desperate Allies (though it could be) and more about giving the players a place to have their downtime, conduct personal business and story development, store vehicles and gear not in use, and so on.

When you cut it free from a "base" the players need to maintain and turn it into a location the players can access and utilize, you get options that might not otherwise be available.

So like:

  • A wealthy rebel sympathizer has offered up one of his (many) homes to be used as a safe house. It's a fully kitted out luxury home outside a major city on a well-to-do world. Only catch is to protect the patron the players aren't using it on the books. In effect, if the place gets compromised the patron will deny everything and accuse the players of being squatters.
  • It's a collection of prefab "mobile home" type structures hidden in an unused cistern below a major city.
  • It's a cluster of compartments on a Rebel Cruiser. The players get a block of bunks, a readyroom, and a multipurpose staging area/training area/lounge off the main hanger to call their own.
  • It's an small dirt strip landing field and collection of huts on a small deserted tropical island on some out of the way colony world. No resources the players don't haul in themselves, but add some drinks with little umbrellas and it's actually not too bad. Well until hurricane season starts anyway...
  • It's a wrecked ship outside of a smaller spaceport known as a waystation for smugglers.
  • It's a small cave no larger than a speeder truck overlooking a city under imperial occupation.
  • It's an abandoned space station off a hyperspace route.
  • It's a "lost" basement and parking structure underneath an ISB sector headquarters. The previous building was demolished and the ISB built their new HQ on top of it, but they missed a lower sub-basement and parking structure. You have to access it through a hole in the wall of a janitorial closet in a neighboring shopping center, and it's got a rodent problem. But hey, at least the ISB is paying for the power and running water right? And the fact their primary service conduit is only 1 meter above you through a hole in the ceiling in back is also very very useful.
  • It's a cluster of old rusty cargo containers on an even rustier barge floating in a seaside port.

2 hours ago, Ghostofman said:
  • It's a collection of prefab "mobile home" type structures hidden in an unused cistern below a major city.
  • It's a cluster of old rusty cargo containers on an even rustier barge floating in a seaside port.

I've combined these two in a previous game. The base was composed of a number of cargo containers that were moved around the galaxy. In effect, it was a mobile (but not self-mobile) base that got smuggled in wherever it was needed. This was the poor man's covert version of the Imperial prefabricated garrison.

In my current game, the players are using a base straight from Strongholds of the Resistance.

About half of their missions have been related to getting stuff so that the engineers & technicians building the base can keep going with the upgrades and construction of the base as they get it ready for full operations.

It's kind of a side show, but the player characters are noticing that things are expanding and growing and they are noticing that there are more starships (ARC-170's and Z-95's) on site, and the buildings are expanding in number and scope. Also the DiFac is modernized and feeding more people more efficiently, but they can still pick up Roast Bantha Sandwiches between regular meals.

This particular group of PC's are operating a Special Operations Group team and they tend to move around a LOT. They started with a YT-2400, which has been upgraded nicely, and also recently . . . 'acquired' a VCX-100, which they also use on an as needed basis. In short, they grab whichever ship meets their needs based on the mission profile.

There are a handful of notable characters that they can interact with as needed; They have a dedicated Jedi Trainer (for now, who keeps hinting that they'll be leaving soon), An SOG mission liaison who provides mission briefs, a Communications tech who was a former member of the team and still training in the force, and a traveling Bothan who makes the occasional visit. One of the PC's parents was recently rescued and is integrating with the on base medical team. And lets not forget Kel Van, the friendly DiFac chief who greets the team warmly and is ready with a Roast Bantha Sandwich, whenever they drop by. There's also a nasty arrogant Mon-Cal fighter jock who is dismissive and derisive to the SOG pilots, stuck flying inferior cargo haulers.

The group has also recently learned about the Alliance's secret base code named "Echo." :ph34r: They're not supposed to know about that one . . . ;)