Glorykill too easy?!

By Gojira59, in DOOM: The Board Game

Is this normal glorykills are so easy? Was thinking about it and change the rules to make them harder and more logical.

So i compared them to the glorykill in the DOOM 2016 videogame. Two huge differents can appear:

-First, the board game don't consider time it take to make a glorykill on a demon. In the videogame, we don't just move on the demon to kill it, and you have only time to make one to two glorykill subsequencely before demons recovered from the "glorykill status"?!

-Second, the demon recover from the "glorykill status" and keep acting like before and recovering a few health i guess. That doesn't exist in the board game and demon keep the "glorykill status" until their death.

So i though on two changes on the rules. First, to make a glorykill, a marine should discard and action card. This little add should lower the number of grloykill in a turn and seems more logical to me. Demons should recover from the "glorykill status", just stay on this status until their next activation (maybe we could put an "glorykill coin" on it to remember it status).

So tell me if you agree or not on this little changes.


Edited by Gojira59

This would definitely be interesting to implement. I too think glorykills are quite easy in this game. In my opinion you wouldn't need a glorykill coin or anything, just remove enough damage to get that demon 1 health above glorykill status. This would be done in the "status" phase of each round. To counteract the advantage this could give to the invader, place those damage tokens on the demon card and next time the demon takes damage equal to what is on it's demon card, it will just die if it doesn't defend the attack.

Depending on your perspective this gives advantage to both sides. Can't glory kill as often, but demons could also be killed outright easier.