On 8/16/2018 at 2:41 AM, jendefer said:There has been some interesting discussion of slicer abilities here. One of the house rules in the game I run is that there is no wi-fi in Star Wars. Sometimes Computers checks can do remote stuff, but it's limited to short-range radio. I have been trying to make hacking more interesting for my Slicer player, and one good experience we had was playing the Quarantine Quandary module from the Shadow of the Broker series. That gave some suggestions for how far you could get with each Computers check, as well as having a mechanic for the dangers of time passing. As a result, the Slicer really had to make some decisions about what was worth the time-risk to go after. I've also taken a little inspiration from the alternate hacking rules in the Genesys core rulebook, where they split things out into hacker and sys-ops. Having your slicer encounter someone actively defending the network has the potential to make things more interesting, and lets you fold the hacking into the same round-based structure as combat, when that works for your story.
One last thought, an overly active and ambitious hacker is likely to start leaving tracks, even if just from hubris. That can lead to bounties, too.
I love your house rule about the wi-fi, I use that too.
I like the short-range radio description and the use of "sometimes" I think that getting into any kind of Hack vs. System Defense stuff is basically to acknowledge the Hacking thing, so I avoid that as much as possible and try to give Slicer characters other things they can do like re-coding equipment performance modules or attempting to re-program droids. I would have preferred that Slicers had been more modders than hackers, or if they hack they do it by using pre-made tools not by coding and keyboard jockeying (a bunch of data chips that have to be put into a chip board in the right order or something). I know FFG writers did this by putting it in the game, but the constraints I have on Slicers are part of the social contract as I explicitly explain it before characters are made. I would rather have a gun fight over access to a computer room than a hacking match most of the time.
Can I ask what systems were being invaded just as examples? I am curious as to how that came up in play.