A couple of questions regarding Maul that I was wondering about last night.
1: if I exhaust Maul when playing Take Initiative does he become impossible to kill that round? He didn’t resolve an activation that round. Yes you have exhausted his card, but that just prevents his activation.
2: the new command card in Kanan and Ezra’s pack Dying Lunge (its on FFG’s Facebook page if you have t seen it) allows a model to make an attack when its taken damage equal to its health before being defeated. If my opponent shoots up Maul so he will die after he next activates how does that interact with Dying Lunge?
A: DL can be played on maul at any time in the round (as he has taken enough damage). Maul is not defeated by DL as his card prevents him being defeated until after he has activated.
B: same as above but he is defeated as DL says so
C : DL played only at the moment he takes enough damage but still isn’t defeated.
D : DL played at the moment damage is inflicted and Maul is defeated.
E: Some other combination I haven’t thought of.
Any ideas?
Edited by BaconMcSandwich