Spawning and Reinforcements in Lieutenant encounters

By Celtic Joker, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

1) In a lieutenant encounter, if the overlord has monster treachery, can he use treachery cards to spawn monsters that are NOT listed as that lieutenant's minions on his card? E. g. can Sir Alric Farrow reinforce Skeletons through a treachery spawn card?

2) Can the heroes prevent reinforced monsters from coming onto the board by placing two heroes right next to the exit piece from which the monsters would enter?

3) Can the overlord prevent the heroes from fleeing by "blocking" all the exits with reinforcements (say, two Beastmen per exit) that he does NOT move onto the board?

Celtic Joker said:

1) In a lieutenant encounter, if the overlord has monster treachery, can he use treachery cards to spawn monsters that are NOT listed as that lieutenant's minions on his card? E. g. can Sir Alric Farrow reinforce Skeletons through a treachery spawn card?

2) Can the heroes prevent reinforced monsters from coming onto the board by placing two heroes right next to the exit piece from which the monsters would enter?

3) Can the overlord prevent the heroes from fleeing by "blocking" all the exits with reinforcements (say, two Beastmen per exit) that he does NOT move onto the board?

1. Yes
There is nothing to limit your selection of spawn cards except for the amount of spawn treachery you have.

2. Yes
The monsters can't attack from off the board because they aren't in a space so cannot be adjacent or count any distance.

3. No
Monsters off the board have no effect. They are not yet part of the game and cannot yet affect it. They are not in a space to prevent movement through that space, they are not adjacent or any particular distance from the edge spaces. Even passive abilities such as command, grapple, Aura etc are not able to affect anything on the board for these reasons.

Thanks for answering 1 and 3. I thought as much. Your comment on 2 does not really answer my question. I know the monsters which are off the board cannot attack. The question is whether the heroes can prevent them from coming onto the board by standing on the very edge of the exit piece.

Celtic Joker said:

Thanks for answering 1 and 3. I thought as much. Your comment on 2 does not really answer my question. I know the monsters which are off the board cannot attack. The question is whether the heroes can prevent them from coming onto the board by standing on the very edge of the exit piece.

Well if the offboard monsters can't attack the heroes to move/remove them and can't move into their space, then they can't get on the board can they?

Unless they have Fly/Soar of course...

If the overlord player plays a spawn treachery card in a LT encounter do they spawn as per normal rules, or are they "reinforced" like other reinforcments in encounters? I seem to remember that they get reinforced, but I can't remember where I read that and was wondering if I just made that up.

Kartigan said:

If the overlord player plays a spawn treachery card in a LT encounter do they spawn as per normal rules, or are they "reinforced" like other reinforcments in encounters? I seem to remember that they get reinforced, but I can't remember where I read that and was wondering if I just made that up.

you remember correctly, they are reinforced from off the board

Kartigan said:

If the overlord player plays a spawn treachery card in a LT encounter do they spawn as per normal rules, or are they "reinforced" like other reinforcments in encounters? I seem to remember that they get reinforced, but I can't remember where I read that and was wondering if I just made that up.

You are correct- they are spawned "off board" and can come onto the board during the OL's next turn

Also- going with Corbon's answer to #3- the heroes would need to be blocking all of the exit spaces as the reinforced (or spawned) monsters can come on the board from ANY exit piece during the OL's next turn.

Celtic Joker said:

Kartigan said:

If the overlord player plays a spawn treachery card in a LT encounter do they spawn as per normal rules, or are they "reinforced" like other reinforcments in encounters? I seem to remember that they get reinforced, but I can't remember where I read that and was wondering if I just made that up.

you remember correctly, they are reinforced from off the board

I understand the spawning rules during Lt. encounters as per the "Gathered List of Answered Questions" but my question is, in the RtL rulebook, where does it state anything even close to "treat spwns like reinformcemetns"? In otherwords, if you were an overlord who didn't have access to the internet, how would you play spawn cards in Lt. encounters?

The RtL rulebook says:

p.16 "Cards in the overlord’s hand may be used normally during the encounter, either played or discarded for threat."

P.14 "Reinforcements are not considered to have been spawned, so hero lines of sight, and abilities that prevent or interfere with spawning, do not affect them."

So it states cards are used "normally" and further more, reinforcements are NOT "spawned". So the rulebook implies spawns are different than reinforcements, and implies that spawn cards be played normally. And unless I missed something, that is pretty much the entirety of the written rules on the matter.

So I am looking for the wording in the rulebook that states how to handle spawns in Lt. encounters. I truly think i missed something or am a little dense; becasue I just don't even understand how it could be interpreted the way it is in the GLOAQ. If they Eratta'd it fine, I can handle that. In fact I can understand why they would as hnad picke dnormal spawnsin in Lt. encounters are pretty darned powerful. But don't presume it was that way all along.

spacehulk said:

Celtic Joker said:

So I am looking for the wording in the rulebook that states how to handle spawns in Lt. encounters. I truly think i missed something or am a little dense; becasue I just don't even understand how it could be interpreted the way it is in the GLOAQ. If they Eratta'd it fine, I can handle that. In fact I can understand why they would as hnad picke dnormal spawnsin in Lt. encounters are pretty darned powerful. But don't presume it was that way all along.

There isn't any, hence why the question was originally asked and an official answer sent by Dan Clark/Kevin Wilson (which is that answer in the GLoAQ). Unfortunately, the way the rulebook is written it doesn't state the way Spawn cards are meant to be played, it just gives us rules for how the OL can spawn monsters using the reinforcement system.

Hmmm. I'm with Spacehulk here, I think. In fact, I have a hard job understanding why someone thought to ask the question in the first place, because I can't see any reason to suppose (based on the rulebooks) that Spawn cards work any differently during Lieutenant encounters to anywhere else- I don't see how any question arises. The answer, to my mind, doesn't clarify a rule: it changes it. It may well be a good rules-change (I strongly suspect it is, though I can't comment because I've never actually played Road to Legend), but it is certainly an errata.

It mainly is a result of FFG's policy of not thinking about the other expansions when making RtL. As far as the majority of the design of RtL is concerned, the other expansions don't exist rules wise. I mean, look at the Simplified Treachery rules on pg24 of RtL. Those rules can only be used in dungeons, not encounters they way they are written.