SW Destiny dream cards

By Galak Fyyar, in Star Wars: Destiny

Today we "testing" this crazy card (actually 4 of them) - for 6 points this looks better ;)


that ability would be really difficult to get any use out of.

that and double modifiers + double blanks makes it pretty terrible

no wonder they couldn't deal with even a single ewok

Nice :)

What program are you using to make these?

If you want an ability like that i'd either make it no modifier sides or only 1 blank.

This ability does nothing once all your characters are out, which makes the character useless at that point. So if its 6pts, you actually have 4 guys since the 5th might as well not exist except for Drudgework or Sonic Cannons. Effectively once you have no more ready Troopers they are 4blank characters. One of those blanks should be a resource to help combat that problem.

Alternatively the other way around and leave them at 7pts, "X is the number of activated Troopers you have" - might be a bit strong, but theyre super squishy so odds are you'd lose one turn 1 anyway. If it proves too strong you could tweak them to be 9pts at 8hp, leaving 3pts for a plot.

Edited by Vineheart01