Hello again all,
So, my group and I have been playing RtL for about a week now, and I was recently rereading the rulebook and had a thought occur to me. It states that during any given week heroes may only restock potions equal to the local alchemists rating. Now, when they glyph to Tamalir during a dungeon, are the heroes as a group limited to just the mere two potions that Tamalir's alchemist has for the WHOLE dungeon (since the dungeon takes place during one game week), or is dungeon delving a special circumstance in some way, allowing them to say, buy as many as they want, or two per hero, or two per dungeon level, etc. They have completed one dungeon so far, and I (as OL) allowed them to purchase potions in large quantaties without even thinking about it.
Any clarification is as always appreciated :-D. Thanks folks!