My local store has run multi-player for at least the last 4 weeks. Based on my experience and bit of a joke, I have made the following deck with has been banned by the other players as too degenerate. ( )
The deck ramps by claiming rings then recurs + plays efficient cards to victory. This has survived several 2v1 archenemy fights, I even have had the opponent team of 2 scoop as they said they couldn't dint the deck.
What do people play in your multi games? Is this deck that strong? Or another reason?
Feedback from early weeks:
2v1 situation: this can make the game really unfun especially if 2 join forces all game / several turns but nature of any multi-player format, not much you can do. Maybe imperial favour token for most attacked player? Or even 2nd token when could be discarded On defense for honour, card draw or fate?
Treaties / trade system: would be good if you could pass fate via a trade or breaking a simple treaty to another player, sometimes you have money and nothing you can play but person defending has cards and no money to spend. This could make the unfun 2v1 suituation worse.
Feedback from later weeks:
Need more time (tryings some other clans) & wanna see what people think of the phoenix deck, if it's just strong in my playgroup, before I give this feedback.
Edited by briggsiebetter clarity