Vader Triple Cymoons vs Ackbar (pics, so it did happen)

By Bertie Wooster, in Star Wars: Armada Battle Reports

So to give some context, I've been following @ovinomanc3r 's thread on triple Cymoons for a while, and wanted to try it out. I hadn't actually practiced @Mad Cat 's deployment strategies with triple Cymoons, which I was planning to do in my head at some point, but when my friend asked me if I wanted to test my store championship fleet against his, I decided to just go for it. Here's my fleet:

Groucho, Chico and Harpo

Faction: Galactic Empire
Points: 395/400

Commander: Darth Vader

Assault Objective: Blockade Run
Defense Objective: Contested Outpost
Navigation Objective: Solar Corona

[ flagship ] Imperial Star Destroyer Cymoon 1 Refit (112 points)
- Darth Vader ( 36 points)
- Captain Needa ( 2 points)
- Gunnery Team ( 7 points)
= 157 total ship cost

Imperial Star Destroyer Cymoon 1 Refit (112 points)
- Gunnery Team ( 7 points)
= 119 total ship cost

Imperial Star Destroyer Cymoon 1 Refit (112 points)
- Gunnery Team ( 7 points)
= 119 total ship cost

My list is the standard Vader, 3 Gunnery Teams, but I decided to add Captain Needa to Vader's ship, because 1) He's gonna need it 2) I wanted to make the list at least a little bit my own. Even if it's only 2 points of difference.

I don't remember my friend's list perfectly, but he had Ackbar on a fully loaded HMC80 with Defiance, LS, ECM, QBT, Engine Techs, probably an officer too but I don't remember which one. Two GR-75s, one has Comms Net and the other is naked. 2 Corvettes with TRC. Tycho, Shara, 2 VCX. 393 points. He choses first player, and picks my Contested Outpost.

Edited by Bertie Wooster


Beginning of Round 1. Vader is in the middle. Getting outdeployed sucks. My friend's table is obviously not a regulation table; it has curvy edges and it's slightly shorter than 6 feet. Which is important in a game like this one...but I can't complain, I don't have a 3x6 table either.

I decided to contest the station with two ISDs and take on the Corvette threat with my leftmost one.

Edited by Bertie Wooster


Beginning of round 2. I slowed my rightmost ISD to speed 0 this turn, hoping he would speed up to get me.


Round 3. My friend obstructed on of his own Corvettes, but the other can take a shot. Vader is going speed 2, rightmost ISD bumps up to speed 1. MC80 going speed 2.

Vader takes a hit or two from squads, and a shot from Defiance I think.

I hit his GR-75 hard (had 2 accuracies) and it has 1 hull left.

Edited by Bertie Wooster


Start of Round 4. My leftmost ISD takes shots from CR90s, and wasn't able to do much damage to them. (This part of the game was really frustrating; I was going speed 1, the CR90s were going speed 4, and they could still manuever out of my front arc except once. I could really use practice against this type of situation.)

But now I've got Defiance in both of my front arcs, and take shots before he moves. Vader goes first and bumps into the other guy. (Miraculously, this is the only collision this game.) Right ISD makes an incredible jump forward at speed 1.

Leftmost ISD books it outta there.

Edited by Bertie Wooster


Start of round 5. I still have Defiance in both front arcs, in fact he is double arced at medium range by rightmost ISD. However, this is not enough to cause enough damage to Defiance. In fact I don't even know if he had any damage cards on him. Vader, on the other hand, could only make a speed 1 maneuver. (It was going speed 2 and had a nav token, but couldn't speed up without bumping. I would've had a navigate command on my command dial, but my friend gave me a squad command due to a crit effect.) After both my right ISDs moved, Defiance killed Vader and took command of the station.

My friend's GR-75 collided with his CR90 at some point and it died.

Edited by Bertie Wooster


Start of round 6, nothing significant happens except Defiance gets another point from the station.

I had 80 points from the station, and my friends got 40. It was a 4-7 loss to me.

Conclusion: I should practice more. I still want to play the fleet in SC and see how well it does overall.

Basically I did my best to play the objective, my friend did his best to kill me, and my friend's strategy won. I was trying to kill Defiance, obviously, but I didn't get any shots in until round 4, and even with him in my front arcs it wasn't enough to get through his shields and hull. With ECM and RBD together, it's obviously really tanky. I probably should have been doing my best to get my rightmost ISD as far right as possible, so that he'd be going head to head with Defiance and cut off his escape route. Even then it would be tough to kill.

I like Needa on Vader's ship. He saved me 4-5 damage, that's pretty good for 2 points.

Edited by Bertie Wooster

Better luck next time!

thanks for posting the pics; it did happen.

I have been running Double ISD to much success, and the biggest thing is that the first 3 turns are almost always NAV commands... I think that Nav is just as important in this list the extra yaw every turn allows me to get around stuff and shoot small stuff up