Wonder what the specs on a 40k version of the A-10 Warthog would be. Gotta be 10x better than ANY ground support attack craft currently out ( at least according to all ive seen or heard about the IG ) Any ideas? For those that dont know the A-10 was designed to be able to fly back to base with most of both wings gone ( only needs around half wingspan ) , one engine ( out of two ) and most of the tail section destroyed. It carries the biggest gun a jet mounts for ground ops ( vulcan 30mm gatling ...a phalanx classed weapon with a cyclic rate of up to 6,000rnds a minute if i remember right ) and multiple wing pods for scores of missiles rockets and assorted ordinance. Top speed was found to be mach 2 courtesy of a pilot that got into some hot water back in the late 90's / early 00's and had to tuck tail and run to avoid a serious incident.
Any ideas / thoughts on what the 40k specs on that particular jet would be?