Ascension Gun vs Medical Center

By Vineheart01, in Star Wars: Destiny

So im putting together a Cad+Snoke deck and i was looking to see if theres a reason for Ascension Gun and i noticed something.

Medical Center: Claim: Heal 1 damage each from up to 2 different characters. Give control of this battleground to an opponent.

I dont see anything in the rules about this interaction. So im assuming i found a cheeky way to use this and not pass the battlefield control, which in both a 2character deck and a self-damaging deck thats awesome.


The only restriction is that the battlefield is the one not played.

I’m also going to point out that if you use home turf advantage, not with Snoke/Cad obviously, you can actually use the ability of any of the unused battlefields. So you could bring a carbon freezing chamber just for your ascension gun.

Yeah i noticed that too. Which would allow you to bring something dangerous like Carbon Freezing Chamber and not care about having a fast enough deck to claim it if it gets picked. It will never be picked, but because of the wording theres now 2 set aside battlefields (Carbon Freezing Chamber and whatever your opponent brought, or whatever the other BF you brought is). Another dangerous one this enables is Main Plaza, ive tried to Ascension-gun cheese that one and usually it ends up getting picked and makes it super risky suddenly.

Question is, what yel/red combo would be worth it.

edit: wait....thats evil...eFinn2/Saw or eMaz with Home Turf and Main Plaza. Both Finn's dice and now Ascension/Cunning can remove damage off your characters and your opponent will never get to throw Main Plaza in your face w/o Ascension too lol. Maz for the focuses/speed or Saw to mess with the opponent's hand and dish some damage. 6 dice that can remove damage from your characters, 8 if you use medical droids too lol

Edited by Vineheart01