I'm starting this thread for two reason. 1) I'm looking for insights and ideas on Bothans & Bothawui (their homeworld). 2) I'm sharing some of my ideas and concepts that I've employed. (I'm not going to share any insights on these forums until I've presented them to my Players in game so all of my information is after the fact).
In my AoR/FnD themed campaign, I am assuming that Bothawui will play a prominent role in the campaign and since the player characters decided to follow a plot line in that direction I've put some serious thought into this location recently. In thinking about this element, I found myself coming up with a series of Bothan Sayings and here's the list:
Bothan Sayings:
“Open displays of hostility are unwelcome on Bothawui.”
“Bothawui may seem like the ideal location for a shadow port, but it isn't. So don't make the mistake of assuming it is one.”
“ Angering the Bothawui Counsel would be . . .unwise. If you displease the Counsel, they may be inclined to do nothing.”
“Information without Action is useless.”
“Everyone Talks, but Bothan's listen.”
“Bothans may seem adverse to direct action, but they have the means to employ such as needed (or wanted).”
These sayings helped me as a GM keep a frame of mind for the Bothan PC's and I was also surprised at how often I found these "common" phrases being employed by various Bothan NPC's during last night's session.
The other thing that I kept in mind was that Bothan's use information as the "coin of the realm." This doesn't mean that they don't use credit or other hard currency, but those are instruments for facilitating the transfer of information.
So those were my assumptions going in.
The session played out in an interesting fashion and I think the experience seemed quite surreal for the players.
When the group Hypered into the system, it was obvious that there was a modest Imperial fleet, an obvious Rebel Fleet, & a third fleet that they identified as a Hutt Fleet, with no indications of impending conflict. When the PC's asked about the various fleets they were told that each fleet was there to conduct business on Bothawui and asked why there wasn't any fighting, they were told that the various fleets understood that the Bothan Council would be displeased if there were any open acts of violence.
The local "window washer" simply offered to take care of the ships needs if the captain answered some simple questions. (Where are you from, what's the cargo, what are you picking up, who are you here to visit, all seemingly innocuous questions one would expect from a customs official) but the ships stores were topped off and the ship cleaned . . . at no cost.
Their taxi was well accommodating, and the driver hit them with another barrage of friendly questions. They were chatted up amicably pretty much anywhere they went and there were a lot of amicable social conversations that the PC's found themselves engaging in, from wait staff, merchants.
And then the people they began meeting seemed to know their names upon arrival, the Taxi drivers began to address them by name and knew where they were headed. It became obvious to the PC's that all of these Bothans were sharing information about the group.
Part of what triggered the interest was that the PC's had shown up in a cargo ship without cargo and no indication that they were really interested in picking up cargo, plead penury, and were trying to meet with a government official under obviously bogus claims of representing various worlds. In the context of the game, the Bothans became very interested in this odd little collection of aliens.
The other thing that stood out as odd to the PC's was that as long as they were willing to answer the various Bothan's questions, they weren't being charged for most of their services. One PC even sought medical aid at a local hospital and agreed to having blood work drawn and done. No charge for that! (Although I don't think he realizes that the Bothan's now have his DNA profile on record . . . ).
So that's what I'm doing with the Bothans, but I'm very interested in what other people know or think about the Bothan culture and motivations. I think that I'm going to begin interjecting more Bothan encounters and I'd like to know a lot more.