Cardiff and my imperial quartet

By Storgar, in X-Wing Battle Reports

Cardiff store champs

Just under 50 players and a top 8 cut.
My list, imperial 99pts
Quick draw rage baffle
Duchess, lwf, rage, optimised prototype
Reaper ps1, krennic, inspiring recruit, lwf
Academy tie

Matt, a player from the local area so have played before. Vader deci, krennic, kylo and rebel captive. I started with My ships in pairs just off centre, qd and tie on left other 2 on right. He started in the centre and went to my right, duches and the reaper met the a round before we, not good. He got kylo blinded on duchess and killed her the following round before she fired. The reaper had taken the deci shields in return. Then all 3 of my ships focused on the deci and 2 rounds later it was dead. Qd had gotten hurt in this and the next round Vader killed her. So now all ships left are full health, but mine e are both ps1. We ducked and weaved, the tie gradually plucked the shields off Vader and Vader mostly dodged the reaper arc. Then my academy got a crit on Vader, damaged engine, things were looking good, it took a few turns but the academy took Vader out I the end.
Win 100~57

Paul Fallon ghost fenn, my academy tie was a bit quick off the mark and got caught on his own in round 2 and died taking 1shield off the ghost. My other ships got into action the next round, fenn was dead a turn later while the reaper took some tlt fire. The reaper pulled a block and duchess and qd both got shots hurting the ghost. Then I realised I had over done it with the reaper and it aileroned off the board, qd and duchess hurt the ghost but I was getting hurt in return and the next round he launched the shuttle, I fired first but got the ghost down to 3 and the shuttle down to 2 as qd was now out of range of the ghost. Sadly vcx killed duchess and the shuttle killed qd.
Loss 54~100
I really think my own errors cost me that one.

R3 Paul Westwood wedge, Wes, Luke, bandit
We engaged on the right him coming in from the side and me from the centre. I sadly under did the block with the reaper doing a 2 not a 3 straight missing it, all 3 x wings would have bumped if I had it right, dice saved the reaper and it escaped on 1 hull. The next round was better for me as the reaper got out of arcs and he had a number of bumps, I had not killed anything though just taken all shields from the x wings and got some hull, can't quite remember how it went but the reaper died followed by qd, all x wings were on 1 hull at this point and 2 had used the integrated astro. Duchess and the tie plucked away taking 1 then another, the tie fell leaving the z95 and a healthy duchess, she cleaned up to win 100v73

R4 Dominic nym fenn Wes
We engaged top left of centre. He harpooned qd got a trajectory thermal in there. But I fired all guns on nym so it limped away on just 1 or 2 hull. The next round saw Wes get focused down by the tie, duchess and the reaper, while qd kept a distance took fire and dodged to make a lucky escape, the next round or 2 saw the academy die as the harpoon condition just caught him to take his last hull but nym also bit the dust. The reaper and duchess hunted down fenn with some ducking and weaving around the rocks.
100, 43 win

R5 Alan 2 resistance bombers and r2d2 Norra.
It started well, whittled down the first bomber quickly taking a bit of damage but not much. By the time I killed the 2nd bomber the academy and reaper were dead, qd had lost her shields and duchess was on 3 hull, norra hadhad Just taken a r1 shot from duchess taking all shields and putting a crit through. But no shots for me the next round and duchess blanked in defence from a rear shot and died, norra then did the regen infinity every turn while qd tried to pluck away. Eventually qd defence died blanked and she died. Loss 100~64

R6 Dan whisper, countdown yorr, krennic on whisper with adv sensors.
We engaged top left but duchess was a bit far approaching from the centre so we exchanged, my academy was the only ship in range of countdown and whisper and behind a rock so survived the volley while yorr took all my shots. The next round the academy caused a pile up for yorr and countdown while whisper adv sensors a barrel to avoid the pile up. Yorr died this round but so did the academy, a good trade. Soon after duchess died, countdown was down to 1 hull, qd and whisper were out of shields. The reaper was mostly healthy if not on full. Countdown fell next, Whisper got a lucky r3 on qd to take her last 3 hull. But had k turned facing in from the board edge, not cloaked. So I knew I had to get the shot this next round as once she starts cloaking I never get a shot, I pulled a hard turn facing a rock but knew I would have a shot, he didn't expect it and took an evade action as he ended the other side of the rock facing 90 degrees to me with no shot. I fired and got all paint, used my focus. He rolls blank focus, uses the evade, hit crit go through and the reaper takes it home.
win 100 69

Final standing 14th with an mov of 677. I must say though that every game was exciting and provided tension. This is probably my last 1st edn tournament and it was a good one.

Edited by Storgar