Question on Force and Destiny Points

By msb31671, in Star Wars: Force and Destiny RPG

I just started playing the game, and I have a confusion on Force points. Are force points and destiny points the same? They don't seem to be, so my

questions are these: 1. When do you roll for force points? 2. Once you use the force points, can you use them again the following turn or are they lost until you generate

the force points again?

No they are not the same thing, though you do determine how many Destiny Points you have per session, by rolling the Force die. Beyond that, they have no direct connection with each other.

Force Points, or Pips as they are usually called, are the fuel used by Force users, to activate, and empower their Force abilities. The number of pips they roll on any given Force power activation, determines how much they can accomplish, if anything at all, that given attempt.

Destiny Points, are more of a nebulous, narrative tool, a give and take mechanic between the GM and the Players. They are sort of a "get out of jail free" card if you will. Any player, if you have Light Side Destiny Points at that time, can flip a DP to try and alter the scene to their liking, or give themselves a boost on a really important roll. For example, take the chase scene in the Matrix (the first movie). Neo is running away from Agent Smith, who is chasing him. Neo runs down an alley...and it's a dead end!! *cue dramatic music* But, then the PC of his slicer buddy, who is talking to him on the phone, is clever enough to flip a DP and say "Good thing there is a door you just didn't notice behind some trash in the alley!" And viola, the scene has been directly altered by the PC's by utilizing a DP. You can also use them to upgrade your dice pool for a skill check, turning a die from green to yellow, if you wish. But the more amusing thing to do, is stuff like that. Flipping them to allow unexpected windfalls to help your party out in a tough bind. The GM is still final arbiter on if what you are trying to alter is too extreme for a DP or not, but they are meant to be significant things, sort of "off camera" stuff that happens that audiences don't always see, but just accept as having happened anyway.