Jabba's Palace location discrepancy ?

By Kainrath, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG

Can anyone shed some light on the geographical location of Jabba's Palace?
Some maps seem to show its location as south west of Mos Eisley ( here and here ), while another shows it being north west of Mos Eisley ( here )?

While this may not be a big deal, I'd appreciate any thoughts you may have...

Bonus Question: Any thoughts on the location of Mos Shuuta, relative to the known locations? I found this map, but am unsure where it comes from (the location of Mos Shuuta seems to make sense...)

Many thanks!

Well 1 the 2 maps are clearly rotated. look at the location of the Jundland wastes and the "Sea" on one they are above one another and on the other they are side by side. And when you rotate the maps to have the Jundland wastes and the Sea in the same orientation the maps match better.

It's actually outside Palm Springs.....

10 hours ago, Daeglan said:

Well 1 the 2 maps are clearly rotated. look at the location of the Jundland wastes and the "Sea" on one they are above one another and on the other they are side by side. And when you rotate the maps to have the Jundland wastes and the Sea in the same orientation the maps match better.

Thanks so much for pointing that out! I’m embarrassed I didn’t notice that....*facepalm

I'm inclined to trust the third one, since it was created at the same time when the Kenobi novel was written and thus should be the most comprehensive.


Well one is his summer palace lol

6 hours ago, Nate said:

I'm inclined to trust the third one, since it was created at the same time when the Kenobi novel was written and thus should be the most comprehensive.


All 3 maps are kinda the same. The perspective is rotated.

Map 3 is a very nice map!