Hello there,
I would like to know if any of you tried siege scenarios, with defenders on the walls and whatnot. It is possible taking the bases in consideration?
Hello there,
I would like to know if any of you tried siege scenarios, with defenders on the walls and whatnot. It is possible taking the bases in consideration?
It is possible. You would need to treat the sections of the wall as terrain (probably with elevated, fortified, and cover) that can only be entered under some defined circumstances.
You could have a gate that has armor/hp that needs to be destroyed before a unit can enter.
You could have a ladder or rope that needs to be set up, perhaps with a skill action.
You could have other routes into the castle, such as a sewer.
I'm sure there are many other ways to do it.
1 hour ago, QuickWhit said:It is possible. You would need to treat the sections of the wall as terrain (probably with elevated, fortified, and cover) that can only be entered under some defined circumstances.
You would need to design rules for how units and the wall terrain interact, such as allowing units to move along adjacent wall sections by using a shift action.
If you come up with ideas for this, please let us know how they worked out. (After you test them, please!)
It would require some special rules. I would enjoy if like @QuickWhit said walls are terrain, probably sections that hold 2 trays a piece and have like 10 health. Make a rule that only siege units can damage walls and breach the castle. Make the gate lower hp but when broken all units engaged in the gate treated as 1 or 2 threat, but it has an 9 tray capacity.
I'm sure there are more stronghold rules we could come up with.
Edit: I'm now working on some rough notes for seige mode
Edited by JukeyYeah the system handles it great, we've just gotta spend some time with it and figure out where the balance should be!
2 hours ago, Jukey said:It would require some special rules. I would enjoy if like @QuickWhit said walls are terrain, probably sections that hold 2 trays a piece and have like 10 health. Make a rule that only siege units can damage walls and breach the castle.
If we're going all-in, it would be good to have:
Catapults (unit card and dials, Daqan and Uthuk versions)
Siege towers (unit card and dials, Daqan and Waiqar versions)
Battering ram (unit card and dials, Waiqar and Uthuk versions)
Focused Geomancer upgrade (infantry, Daqan)
Destructive Roots upgrade (unique, Scion)
Corpse Ladder upgrade (infantry, Waiqar)
Climbing vines upgrade (Latari)
Etcetera (All)
Here's what I've jotted down so far.
Runewars siege mode is an assault on a stronghold by one or two allied players against one defender. It is played on a 4x6 with special rules.
The defender has 200 pts. The attacker is 400 pts or 2 allies with 200 pts each.
The castle is made entirely of terrain.
The towers (corner boxes) have a capacity of 4, and provide elevated, fortified 1, and cover 1. Towers cannot be destroyed.
The walls (rectangles) have capacity 2 and provide elevated, and fortified 1. Walls can be destroyed by siege units, and have 15 hp, this creates a breach. Cannot be engaged.
A breached wall terrain piece becomes treated as a gate. If two wall sections, or a wall and a gate are both breached, the two corresponding terrain pieces are removed. Cannot be engaged unless breached.
The gates (lines) have no capacity when closed, and 9 when open. If a unit enters an open gate, they are treated as having 1 threat (brutal can still apply). Gates have 8 hp but have armor +1 for each rank of unit behind it.
Seige towers: 10 hp, capacity 6, threat 1, elevated.
Catapult/trebuchet. A unit must be in contact with this terrain edge to use. Reload-refresh on next activation. 3 red, brutal 1. Surge to 1 damage.
Ballista. Same rules as catapults. 2 white, precise 1, surge to mortal strike
Edit: I had I diagram that didn't load for how the castle looks.
Edited by JukeyDid anyone flesh this out any further? Would be great to have some siege rules for custom scenarios.
A few notes from earlier conversations with @Jukey :
1) I would not add extra units. I would just add some notes to a few. Allow Flesh rippers, scouts, and Leonx to “climb” the walls. Waiqar already have a unit that can get through with wraiths.
2) Like Jukey said, gives walls HP, only damageable by siege units. Gates damageable by anyone. Mark a long edge of the walls that can’t be entered except by climbers.
3) Give the walls at least Fortified 2, Cover 2. Also, give the walls text that gives any unit in it CQT. Make getting units off the walls possible but costly.