New Plots discussion

By Vineheart01, in Star Wars: Destiny

Plots in Legacies were pretty garbage imo, Connections being the only one worth intentionally listbuilding for.

WotF introduced 6 more plots:

Blockade: 3cost, opponent starts with 1 fewer resource
Boonta Eve Classic: 2cost, After you resolve one of your podracer dice, you may place 1 resource on that podracer. If there are 4 or more, set aside each copy of this plot and gain 4 resources.
Built to Last: 4cost, unique upgrades have Redeploy and after you play a unique upgrade exhaust and gain 1 resource.
Calling in Favors: 4cost, before you play an event that costs 3 or more you may exhaust this plot to decrease the cost by 1, or 2 if you only have 1 character in play.
Home Turf Adv: 2cost, bring 2 battlefields and you pick if yours is chosen.
Long-Term Plan: 3cost, Action to exhaust and either add a resource to this plot or resolve a die increasing its value by the number of resources on this plot.

Blockade imo is the only new one thats kinda meh. True it can shaft the people that were counting on starting with 3 but thats a minority.
The reason i am attempting to analyze these with more intent than before is not only are they a bit more powerful but theres also a number of new cards that call to spot a plot. The battlefield is a good example, Comm Tower, as often battlefields are taken either because you have a blazing quick deck and can abuse the strong Claim ability or something that your opponent wouldnt be able to use very well or at all, and Comm Tower is 100% useless if you lack a plot.

I've already played a game with Long-Term Plan and i gotta say its mean. Put a resource on it for 3 turns and suddenly ALL of your dice are capable of hitting hard, mitigating the vast majority of die removals preventing you from finishing people off. Often i will end up getting all except maybe 1 of my dice removed turn4 onward, preventing me from doing that 3-4 damage i needed to finish that character. Bam, plot ftw.

Which plot do you think is worth using? I have an eBoba+Mando Merc using the Calling in Favors deck built i plan to test out later today but i gotta say im not sure if that plot is worth 4 points.

52 minutes ago, Vineheart01 said:

Plots in Legacies were pretty garbage imo, Connections being the only one worth intentionally listbuilding for.

WotF introduced 6 more plots:

Blockade: 3cost, opponent starts with 1 fewer resource  
Boonta Eve Classic: 2cost, After you resolve one of your podracer dice, you may place 1 resource on that podracer. If there are 4 or more, set aside each copy of this plot and gain 4 resources.
Built to Last: 4cost, unique upgrades have Redeploy and after you play a unique upgrade exhaust and gain 1 resource.
Calling in Favors: 4cost, before you play an event that costs 3 or more you may exhaust this plot to decrease the cost by 1, or 2 if you only have 1 character in play.
Home Turf Adv: 2cost, bring 2 battlefields and you pick if yours is chosen.
Long-Term Plan: 3cost, Action to exhaust and either add a resource to this plot or resolve a die increasing its value by the number of resources on this plot.

Blockade imo is the only new one thats kinda meh. True it can shaft the people that were counting on starting with 3 but thats a minority.
The reason i am attempting to analyze these with more intent than before is not only are they a bit more powerful but theres also a number of new cards that call to spot a plot. The battlefield is a good example, Comm Tower, as often battlefields are taken either because you have a blazing quick deck and can abuse the strong Claim ability or something that your opponent wouldnt be able to use very well or at all, and Comm Tower is 100% useless if you lack a plot.

I've already played a game with Long-Term Plan and i gotta say its mean. Put a resource on it for 3 turns and suddenly ALL of your dice are capable of hitting hard, mitigating the vast majority of die removals preventing you from finishing people off. Often i will end up getting all except maybe 1 of my dice removed turn4 onward, preventing me from doing that 3-4 damage i needed to finish that character. Bam, plot ftw.

Which plot do you think is worth using? I have an eBoba+Mando Merc using the Calling in Favors deck built i plan to test out later today but i gotta say im not sure if that plot is worth 4 points.

I feel like blockade kind of shafts everyone to a degree. Most decks build around 2 resources a turn not having that the first turn to play an upgrade can really help put someone ahead. Combined with Someone like Nute and your opponent could see just 1 resource a turn starting at the beginning of the game rather than starting after the first turn. That is huge.

have to admit, pairing Blockade with Nute sounds interesting. The plot's cost is the difference between eNute and 1die nute, and quite frankly if you have nute you want his ability not his die.

1 hour ago, Vineheart01 said:

have to admit, pairing Blockade with Nute sounds interesting. The plot's cost is the difference between eNute and 1die nute, and quite frankly if you have nute you want his ability not his die.

That does sound brutal. I was thinking of running a regular Nute with Elite Dooku and bringing in built to last for the resource gen. But I did see someone run eDooku with Rebel Traitor and bring Calling in Favors so that when the traitor went down he could play Rise Again or Dark Ritual for 3, which seemed super brutal. That’s something I would love to try out.

Calling in Favors seems a DJ card

If you run him one die, he's effectively a 17 point character that you can throw Talzin atop, making all those 3-cost events count more

Problem is there isn't a ton of good 3 dice removal, and blue has very few cards there (Dark Ritual, Snare, maybe somehow Decisive blow)

Alternatively, run it with red because Mobilize and Law&Order are REALLY good. Maybe Traitor/Guavian, Jawa, Piett.

Make money, play great events, fart out vehicles (which yellow is now great for because of Sebulba's being probably really good). Yellow splashes in Into The Crosshairs and, much more importantly, Delve :o

Rough draft:

Edited by ficklegreendice

Did 3 games with eBoba/MandoCommando and that yellow plot. Gotta say, i was quite surprised how often that thing saved my bacon.

Its only once a turn but fortunately the 3-4cost events typically only need to be used once anyway. Being able to play In the Crosshairs for 1 resource (Streetwise stacks with it) when your opponent rolled out solid damage of 1 type and theres no way you could remove them all with 1 resource normally is amazing.

Yeah, Calling In Favors is easily my favorite of the plots introduced

There's nothing like going into a round with only the two resources you get, then slamming down a Delved Planetary bombardment. Have won two games just with the indirect off of that, because the Mobilizes and other Delve let you flood the table pretty nicely.

Latest outing was against a DJ Maul that say Maul loaded for bear with two Shotos and an ancient...stacked against the Ark Angel, two ARCs, Sebulba's, and a Hailfire before he went down to PB indirect.

Edited by ficklegreendice