Movement, Blocking figures, & Difficult Terrain (for the umpteenth time, I'm sure)

By angelman2, in Imperial Assault Rules Questions

So, since I'm an idiot and needs to be spoon-fed the rules, can someone ( @a1bert ? ) please help me clarify this.

The ONLY time blocking enemy figures & difficult terrain applies (i.e. costs you extra to enter that space) is when you spend movement points form a Move action or other effect, right? (Barring possibly some individual mission rules somewhere). So, "Move up to X Spaces", Push , and Place all ignore blocking figures and difficult terrain (except you can never end your move in an occupied Space). (Are there other types of moving a figure that I am forgetting?)

Say I'm writing a home made mission and wants a Neutral Mission Token (a "figure") to move 4 Spaces at the end of a round AND be troubled by blocking enemy figures and difficult terrain, I need to write the movement effect as "the NMT gains 4 movement Points", correct?

Thanks for helping a stupid git out :)

Edited by angelman2

(I didn't resurrect an older post asking such questions because the search thing don't work on my shite work computer right now... And yes, I'm researching IA at work... ;) )

Edited by angelman2

Extra movement point costs (from difficult terrain and hostile non-companion figures) apply only when moving by spending moving points and only for each space you enter.

Push is a form of move X spaces, and move X spaces doesn't use movement points, thus ignores extra movement point costs. Place doesn't use movement points. (Just that when you place a figure, it ends movement and thus cannot be placed where it cannot end movement.)

So, if you want extra movement point costs to apply, the simplest way is to grant movement points (which must be spent immediately because they are received out of the figure's activation).

However, a mission token is not a figure unless explicitly specified to be a figure. Tokens can move into and through impassible terrain. You would need to make it a neutral figure for it to be able to use movement points - and neutral figures have their own rules (blocking line of sight and cannot end movement on the same space as another figure).

Edited by a1bert

As always, you're a darling, @a1bert :)

The NMT is a figure in this mission, yes. And writing in a caveat that, the movement points gained by the mission rule at the end of the round must be spend immediately, is a good point. Thanks!

(Do you, or anyone else here for that matter do fan mission proof readings?)

17 minutes ago, a1bert said:

Tokens can move into and through impassible terrain  .

Wow, I did not know that. Thanks again!

Just now, angelman2 said:

Wow, I did not know that. Thanks again!

Only figures cannot move through or into impassable terrain. Tokens are not figures, so they are only using adjacency when moving.

"Impassable terrain is represented by a dashed red line surrounding a space of the map. A figure cannot enter a
space containing impassable terrain unless an ability allows this, such as Massive or Mobile."