So my group is all hopped up to play Star Wars again after Solo dropping. Was thinking of heading back to the Dawn of Defiance campaign but they all had ideas for new characters so I decided to switch to my other campaign concept I have been developing.
Drawing inspiration from the Githyanki Invasion in Dragon many years ago, a miniature board game called Legions of Steel , and some of Star Wars Legacy comics, I mixed to create:
The Sith Machine Invasion
• A Sith research vessel disappears into the Unknown Region about 5000 years ago after being damaged in a battle. They were conducting experiments with alchemy, cybernetics, and robotics. While there they continued to experiment while also surveying planets for a place to recuperate and do repairs.
• Unfortunately the ship was damage more than was thought. While surveying one particular planet, Nestradus as it became to be known, the damaged ship was forced to the surface crash landing.
• A crystal like rock was discovered on the planet. Sharing qualities with cortosis, its uses were seen to be multitude.
• The Sith proceeded to mine the rock by using a local species as slaves. Stranded on the planet they waited and prepared to be rescued. They continued their experiments.
• Time passed and the Sith and the local population eventually amalgamated with the Sith becoming a line of leaders of them. They eventually regained the ability of space travel, building ships with the crystal material combined with steel. This gave them the same durability as ships made with cortosis.
• Experiments continued producing droids built for war. Warriors were enhanced using cybernetics. A holocron of a Sith named Bhon was used in an experiment to create an artificial intelligence.
• The artificial intelligence Mother Bhon was born. She quickly realized the machines were the superior form and decimated the population until the world was controlled by her and her droids. The local living population was relegated to stock for cyborg troops. Few of them were spared if they showed potential for using the Force. These were considered Royalty.
• Eventually she began sending scouts out into space to survey the galaxy. Upon discovering the Sith had all but been wiped out, she decided to invade and take back the galaxy for the Sith.
• Scouts and infiltrators were sent ahead to sow dissention and prepare the way for invasion. Dopplgangers and units including nightmares and fiends were seeded throughout the galaxy. Along with cyborg scouts they would prepare the way for the machines to invade.
• The year is 55 ABY. The Second Order has evolved in the Glactic Empire with a new emperor while the destruction of the Resistance caused a splinter in the galaxy. The new group that rose became the United Republic made up of many planets which chose to come together rather than be ruled by the Empire. A cold civil war continues between the two while they seem to coexist somewhat peacefully.
• The Sith have not been heard from for some time, but other new Force organizations have risen from the ashes of the Jedi and Sith. The Imperial Knights are an elite group of Force users who guard the emperor with no particular allegiance the light or dark. The Nightsisters have made a resurgence in the outskirts of society, and while they lean towards the dark, they tend to keep to themselves. A New Jedi Order has arose led by a human woman.
• The Galactic Empire, led by Emperor Daal, rules the core of the galaxy and tends towards being human-centric. It still retains control of it vast armed forces including star destroyers and stormtroopers. The emperor is also guarded by his Force using Imperial Knights. Aliens are treated as second class citizens and have fewer rights than the humans.
• The United Republic, while much larger than the Empire, is ruled by many groups working together when it suits them. That only seems to be the case when the Empire is involved. Most planets in the Republic retain their own armed forces to protect their interests, but the Republic does have the Legion. It is an armed force consisting of many species from throughout the galaxy. Seen as a neutral body owing allegiance to no one group it is used throughout the Republic when an armed force is needed without such allegiance.
The group will start out as a ragtag group running missions to survive only to be drawn into the invasion.
As I sort ideas I will post them. The above is a rough outline I have come up with off the top of my head. Will flesh it out more as time passes.