Tyrants of Lothal Skirmish Preview

By Rogue Dakotan, in Imperial Assault Skirmish

I like the map, sounds very interesting!

Not sure what I think of the new guys yet... CT looks decent for his cost. The troopers meh.

Signal Jammer looks like negate #2 specifically for Take Initiative:

If you get initiative, play the card and the chance is high that your opponent doesn't have a start of rounds card to play and remove Signal Jammer before they play Take Initiative...

I don't know how it interacts the other way though: if you play take initiative and then immediately play Signal Jammer, can you prevent a negate on take initiative? I wonder if there is a time frame for your opponent to respond in between..

Also the card makes combat math interesting as well when it is up. Will definitely play it to see how it performs.

23 minutes ago, Soulflame said:

if you play take initiative and then immediately play Signal Jammer, can you prevent a negate on take initiative?

No, you can't play two cards at the same time. Each is resolved first.

Negation triggers when a command card is played, so if used it gets resolved before another card or ability with a start of round trigger can be activated.

Very interesting.

I can already see the Drok and CT pairings. Lots of multi-target damage potential with good health pools.

The Death Troopers do seem underwhelming on paper. Hopefully they find their space in the meta.

There better be some good Guardian cards coming down the pipeline with all these new Guardian characters entering the playing field. Chewie, Zeb, CT, Death Troopers, Sentry Droids, and Riot Troopers are all Guardians that have been released/fixed in the last two waves with no competitive CCs for the trait. They may as well not say Guardian at all really.

Signal Jammer will bring some fun wrinkles to CCs. Yeah, it can be another TI block, but it can also prevent those 3 point cards or major movements in Round 2 or 3 if neither player wants to be the one to burn a card to get rid of the jam. Might stall that On the Lam or Assassinate from coming out which is a cool dynamic.

Looove Signal Jammer. Seems like a skill intensive card to play with and play around. Very strong against start-of-round cards if you have initiative, but otherwise might only discard the weakest card in their hand, or even potentially screw over the person who played it if the opponent doesn't need to play command cards that turn.

The missions look fun, especially Blitz allowing players to basically skip all the round 1 positioning shenanigans and get right into fighting. Melee units are going to love this map mission. Also nice to see that Empire lists aren't going to be get to score 24 points a round on a 6 objective map just because they have so many bodies like they do on Shielded.

CT looks awesome. Nice to see Rebels getting a decent attacker that doesn't cost 9+ points to include. Ko-Tun didn't quite cut it with only 9 health and a single attack, but she actually kind of synergizes with CT! His surge abilities are bit of a let down, but Pin Them Down is a really nice consolation, especially against Mercs stealing our support figures.

Edited by Tvboy
2 hours ago, Soulflame said:

Signal Jammer looks like negate #2 specifically for Take Initiative:

If you get initiative, play the card and the chance is high that your opponent doesn't have a start of rounds card to play and remove Signal Jammer before they play Take Initiative...

Better than Negation. It can threat also SoS, BoG, hunter cards and smuggler cards of any cost. It works as a Negation against take initiative and as a protection for take initiative against negation. In a spy deck with negation and disrupted Comms helps blocking any opponent's choice.

I think either we stop putting take initiative and negation into decks or we'll soon have a 3rd must have card for initiative safety.

So no 4 players map on this expansion? Bummer

Its a small box is why i think

Looks to me like the second Barrage attack can target the same figure! That's really good.

1 hour ago, Stompburger said:

Looks to me like the second Barrage attack can target the same figure! That's really good.

Yes, I think you're right. At least, that's what RAW would say.

I don't think this specific interaction has been mentioned yet, but Signal Jammer will also be helpful when you have the initiative, to prevent Call the Vanguard , and so a heavily damaged Jedi Luke or Bantha will be able to get one last turn in before dying, without having to worry about being deleted before they act. That can be huge. As others have said, though, this will be a significantly skill-heavy card: it will take good skill and timing to know when to play it, and how to play around it. I really like it.

Also, I LOVE the design of the Death Troopers! So many times I've wished that I could just pay 8pts for two Elite Alliance Rangers, rather than having to pay the full 12 for three. The Death Troopers allow that kind of flexibility, while also keeping some of the 'burst-damage' capabilities that come with a full group of figures. It also allows the Empire a slightly easier way to scale up their activation count to help ensure that Vader gets to activate last in a round. I'll be building some squads around these guys for sure!

Death troopers handing out ? Tokens will be pretty good also. They’re really a hybrid support unit that gives so much flexibility. An eDT with a surge token, is guaranteed to hit from 6 range, and that’s not bad at all

37 minutes ago, Fightwookies said:

Death troopers handing out ? Tokens will be pretty good also. They’re really a hybrid support unit that gives so much flexibility. An eDT with a surge token, is guaranteed to hit from 6 range, and that’s not bad at all

Just what we needed, eJets with block tokens :[ So tired of seeing double eJets in every empire list.

7 hours ago, Golan Trevize said:

It works as a Negation against take initiative and as a protection for take initiative against negation.

It could never protect your own Take Initiative from being hit with Negation.

1 hour ago, Cremate said:

It could never protect your own Take Initiative from being hit with Negation.

I don't have initiative. At the start of round the player with initiative doesn't play cards. I play Signal Jammer, then if the opponent doesn't play Comms Disruption to remove the Signal Jammer, I can play take initiative. Now if the opponent plays Comms Disruption or Negation, Signal Jammer will trigger. If he doesn't I take initiative and keep Signals Jammer as a future threat for On the Lam & Co.. Am I missing something in my reasoning?

Edited by Golan Trevize

Just to understand that correctly: Signal Jammer discards the next card played. There is no "may". So my opponent basically plays a not needed 0points card (e.g. Fleet Footed) to get rid of Signal Jammer and then plays his Son of Skywalker or Blaze of Glory. I cannot decide to not discard Fleet Footed in that situation?

3 minutes ago, Golan Trevize said:

I don't have initiative. At the start of round the player with initiative doesn't play cards. I play Signal Jammer, then if the opponent doesn't play Comms Disruption to remove the Signal Jammer, I can play take initiative. Now if the opponent plays Comms Disruption or Negation, Signal Jammer will trigger. If he doesn't I take initiative and keep Signals Jammer as a future threat for On the Lam & Co.. Am I missing something in my reasoning?

If I got it right, the Signal Jammer will trigger, when you play Take Initiative and discard your TI.

Edited by DerBaer
2 minutes ago, Golan Trevize said:

I don't have initiative. At the start of round the player with initiative doesn't play cards. I play Signal Jammer, then if the opponent doesn't play Comms Disruption to remove the Signal Jammer, I can play take initiative. Now if the opponent plays Comms Disruption or Negation, Signal Jammer will trigger. If he doesn't I take initiative and keep Signals Jammer as a future threat for On the Lam & Co.. Am I missing something in my reasoning?

Ok just realised that my Take Initiative could trigger my own Signal Jammer. So @Cremate you're right. This card is pretty rubbish.

3 minutes ago, DerBaer said:

Just to understand that correctly: Signal Jammer discards the next card played. There is no "may". So my opponent basically plays a not needed 0points card (e.g. Fleet Footed) to get rid of Signal Jammer and then plays his Son of Skywalker or Blaze of Glory. I cannot decide to not discard Fleet Footed in that situation?

Right... I guess this card isn't that powerful as it looks at first read.

Is the Squad Captain able to give that ? Power Token to himself?

32 minutes ago, DerBaer said:

Is the Squad Captain able to give that ? Power Token to himself?

RRG: A figure is not considered to be adjacent to itself.

1 hour ago, Golan Trevize said:

Ok just realised that my Take Initiative could trigger my own Signal Jammer. So @Cremate you're right. This card is pretty rubbish.

It's not rubbish, it just isn't the very best 1-point card in the game.

The sentence in the preview article "Signal Jammer is played at the start of a round, and can be discarded to cancel the effects of a command card of your choosing" is a misdirect. There is no choice and it is blunder on the part of whoever wrote the article (or the card would need to be worded differently).

Now, the term "discard" usually does infer an element of choice regardless of whether there's a "may" or not in the sentence, but that's not the case here, as it is something that happens after-the-fact rather as something that triggers (and pays for) the effect. Also that would make the "any player" wording redundant as well.

Finally, if this card actually did infer a choice, it would more or less instantly invalidate an entire trait: spies. Their cards are more expensive and/or have requirements in terms of figures on the map or actions spent.

Edited by Cremate