Per Session usage rules for Heroic Abilities in RoT does NOT work. The usage should (MUST) be in GAME TIME.
- What if the session passes 2 months of game time?- or a year?? It can happen. A Heroic Ability has to be MORE accessible and predictable or it becomes a Heroic Hiccup!
- In my campaign HA (Heroic Abilities) can be used EVERY GAME DAY up to the current frequency of the HA.
- This works and it's more fun. It feels more like the HA is part of the world this way.
- NOTE: You can make the HA activation less frequent but it should NOT go more than 5 to 7 game days. This also requires more bookkeeping.
- Heroic Abilities are fun and should be in the game MORE not less. The RoT activation rules are already costly and the abilities aren't really that BIG. Plus it takes a lot of XP to build a Bard-Song worthy HA. ( However, I would NOT lower the 50 XP cost per ability point if you change the activation frequency... )
- The group should strive to be creative with HA. The GM should be generous and open to HA ideas; not cautious! It won't break the game.
My opinion. Happy gaming all.
Edited by Gamemasterbob