I noticed there were no shield, focus or any other 2.0 tokens in the Saw’s Renegade Pack. Is this a mistake? It includes 1.0 tokens.
Can anyone confirm this is the same for the Reaper?
I noticed there were no shield, focus or any other 2.0 tokens in the Saw’s Renegade Pack. Is this a mistake? It includes 1.0 tokens.
Can anyone confirm this is the same for the Reaper?
I opened a ticket with FFG support and haven’t heard back. The fine folks at Team Covenant said this is an omission by design.
If I ever hear from FFG, I’ll update this thread.
Thanks! I suppose I can understand this omission but it would be the first expansion ever that did not include relevant tokens.
if anyone wants my 2.0 items for the saw set or the reaper set just let me know here or on facebook, ill mail them to you, i have one set each
Edited by CushionRide
6 hours ago, CushionRide said:if anyone wants my 2.0 items for the saw set or the reaper set just let me know here or on facebook, ill mail them to you, i have one set each
Do you still have them? I'd take the saw's 2.0 stuff if you do.
ive got both sets in one bag, just tell me where to send them
2 hours ago, CushionRide said:ive got both sets in one bag, just tell me where to send them
Pm sent
Edited by CushionRide