I have long had issues with the space combat Rules as Written (RAW). Who hasn’t? Anyway, there have been numerous threads on possible solutions, many of which I have based my changes on. So now I wanted to share those changes, and SUBMIT THEM FOR YOUR JUDGEMENT! In all seriousness maybe someone else will like them, but ultimately I am not saying my way is best, it’s just what works for me.
*So forgive the short incoming rant on my disdain for the piloting RAW. *
First: I treat every space combat as a chase. There is no fly/drive maneuver. Competitive piloting check at the top of each round.
Piloting and Gunnery Houserules :
For Piloting : Difficulty pool is = Terrain as set difficulty + [speed-1]. Upgrade the lower pool. Ex. Dense asteroid field 3P, going Speed 1 = PPP. or as Speed 5 = PRRR
- I ditched the speed+1/2 silhouette Bull-S* because silhouette is already in the piloting pool....its called handling ! Indirectly RAW has you adding handling twice then. Also, the pools RAW are ridiculous even at moderate speed, and the setbacks are laughable. RAW navigating the maw only adds+3 setbacks? Really? No increased difficulty or danger? Sure, okay.
- Anyway, using this the difficulty going speed 1 is the base, and is just however difficult it is to pilot through the terrain normally. Then (AND I CANT STRESS THIS ENOUGH!) just like in the rest of the game, the pool is then modified by other things: speed (additional danger=upgrade) and then distractions (environmental effects that modify the task=setbacks).
- Piloting through terrain IS the task, everything else modifies that. It’s no different than picking a lock of hard difficulty (that's the task), and upgrading it because it’s got an alarm (that's the danger), and then setback for your tool being bent or because you are in a hurry (that's a modified environment).
For Gunnery : The RAW are better and closer to normal. So, Difficulty pool = Silhouette difference (CRB pg.235) But then relative speeds of the other ships add setbacks/boosts. +/-1 for each speed difference between you and your target. IE hitting the small ship is always hard, having it go faster makes it more challenging.
- Note: I tried toying with making the range bands determine difficulty (like ground combat) and then +/- difficulty based upon size difference , but its almost identical except its easier to hit everything at short range, and impossible at Long. So whatever, my players cant remember difficulty for range bands anyway , so might as well just have a set difficulty.
In Summary, in my opinion this puts the dice pool building BACK to match how it works in the rest of the game and really helps my players (and myself) understand how to build the pool and modify it. I get where the design team was coming from logically but I just don't think it needed to be so much different from the rest of the rules. Basically, for my "house rule" all I did was ditch the special space rules and then use normal rules for determining pool difficulty, upgrading and setbacks.