Is it just me or is FFG all about card games and star wars?

By Mats5, in Elder Sign

Im a long time lurker of this site and board. I have been enjoying FFG:s games for many years but now I'm honestly worried. Will we get something new that isn't a card game or a game based on star wars? Sorry for the rant but seeing that recent news is almost always about star wars or card games make me sad. I want to see something new or an expansion for the arkham games family.

Edited by Mats5
On 6/28/2018 at 5:42 PM, Mats5 said:

Im a long time lurker of this site and board. I have been enjoying FFG:s games for many years but now I'm honestly worried. Will we get something new that isn't a card game or a game based on star wars? Sorry for the rant but seeing that recent news is almost always about star wars or card games make me sad. I want to see something new or an expansion for the arkham games family.

They've pretty routinely been putting out expansions for Mansions of Madness and Eldritch Horror. Neither of these are card games, and they don't take place in the Star Wars universe. So while there isn't a recently new IP, there is definitely new stuff in the other lines. And there are many other products outside of these categories that they have been working on too.

It's probably getting hard to do anything too new with the Lovecraft Universe. They have 5 games based off it all!

Edited by LordPyrex

Wait GenCon, and you'll know, I guess (usually some days before GenCon we have a series of announcements for big stuff)