Online koteis

By moto_rudhra, in L5R LCG: Organized Play

What are the likelihoods of ever having online tournaments. I know people don't want to travel to conventions but this is also a format I personally don't mind entering every few months. Especially if it can win me something like a pass to grand kotei's. Other digital games have been doing good and I think making the game more accessible to players at the highest levels is a nice idea.

The Discord League has been going on for some time now (starting their eighth season next month), but I don't know anything about the prizing. They aren't koteis, and as far as I know they don't offer paid travel to a kotei.

Thing is, there’s no official digital support for this game by FFG. So no chances.

If the Lord of the Rings:LCG game does well once launched, I’m sure they’ll probably try porting other card games to a digital format, but it will take some time.