2 hours ago, QuickWhit said:To answer your question, a 4 tray unit of Oathsworn Cavalry reformed by Hawthorne, with MOI and TS can throw 32 damage with a perfect roll and only costs 42 points.
I don't know that the best possible scenario is all that important to consider when considering the balance of a unit. A solo rune golem can potentially throw 12 damage for 17 points, but nobody is making the case that they are overpowered.
This isn't really a balance discussion, it is a rules discussion. FFG is perfectly capable of making overpowered units (COUGHspinedthreshersCOUGH)...Great points on the value of having 3 dice and having to remove one. The resilient to betrayal thing is something I hadn't previously considered.
I do think the wraith argument is the best one towards this interpretation of the rule. It's the reason I think they should always remove one die.
All this said: Is there anyone that ran Darnati in an official tournament where the rule was discussed. Was there any controversy at all or was it just accepted that the dice is removed every time?
It's not a balance discussion, but balance can give us a hint. I play them, and I always remove a die. Even removing dice, I find them very effective for the cost. If I got to keep the dice, I think they would be too good.
As for stupid combos of damage, the worst offender I've seen is Spearmen. Block of 6 with weapon master and Eagle-Banner Bearer. Hawthorn was on the table and so was the Latari Memorial. By the end of turn 3, they had 9 inspiration tokens. Turn 4, they collided and rolled up hit-hit, hit-surge and hit-surge. Spent the surges to gain an inspiration token and dealt 12 damage + 10 WOUNDS.