Greetings rune warriors!
I know this issue has been pretty heavily discussed already. However the new article about Prince Faolin had reopened the discussion in my group, and I wanted to see if it had changed anybody else's mind.
Prince Faolin had the same text on his card as Darnati Warriors:
"After rerolls you must remove 1 die."
In his release article it states:
" However, this power must be tempered, and after rerolling any dice, he must remove one die."
Half of my group sees this as proof positive that Darnati do not have to remove a die if they don't reroll.
I'm on the fence. I know that release articles are often full of inaccuracies. I also see the argument that "rerolls" could be referring to step 4 of the attack process in the rules.
However, the text reads pretty heavily in favor of them keeping the die if they don't reroll... If FFG intended them to always remove a die, there are so many ways they could have worded it to make it clearer.
"After step 4 (rerolls) you must remove 1 die."
"Before assigning damage you must remove 1 die."
I could come up with many others.
Interested in everyone else's thoughts on this.