I've noticd that when we are talking about runewars tactichs it mostlycomes down to what upgrades equip to a unit or what unit to take. I didnt however find any topics regarding deployment and GAMEPLAY decsions and i would like to start talking about it to help us all become better runewars players
Today Ive played my Waiqar Forces vs Latari Elves and i barely squeezed a win. Just barely. I would like to know what different decisions would you do in order to A) maake Waiqar win more decisive and B) turning it around and winning with the Elven Forces. Here are the lists:
Ardus with acient technique
6 tray reanimates with deathcaller, support carrion lancer and simultaneous orders
6 tray reanimate with fallen hero and fortunas dice
2 tray death knights with obcasium gauntlet
2 tray reanimate archers
1 tray carrion lancer
4 tray lennox riders with moment of inspiration, raven tabards and trumpets
6 tray deepwood archers with support scion, moment of inspiration!, mettered march, war crier and wind rune
2 tray deepwood archers with wind rune and rank discipline
Aliana with ambush predator and Packleaders Spear
1 tray amhylin scion Aymhelin Scions with Terrifying Heraldry
Mission supply raid with standoff (3 fortified terrain and that 4 deep depolyment with 5 deep corners cut)
Here is deployment (accurate enough xD):
Quick legend:
black - rocks
grey - blighted groud
blue dots - objectives
Scion was killed by deathcaller unit (2 first turns with 2 stable runes in each), later that unit reached cc with big archer unit supported by ardus, but aliana managed to flank skeletons and kill archers while avoiding death knights (they blocked themselves on the rock and managed to get to her on turn 8 and they killed her) Fallen hero block almost whole game was locked in cc with lennox, unit was destoryed but killed half of the lennox (2 trays left) in last 2 turns lennox reformed and smashed into death knights that killed aliana and 2 of waiqar cav died (1 tray left). Carrion picked 2 objective tokens and ran away form archers.
At the end of turn 8 there were ardus, carrion and one death knight tray left for the undead, and 2 trays of lennox and 2 tray archers (that on the side with carrion lancer).
So the question for you: How would YOU depoly your forces as eigher waiqar or latari and what would be your battle plan (remember, were not discussing lists but deployment and gameplay mechanics in this particular game example).
If you would like this type of gameplay analisys discussion i will post more situatons from my games to discuss in the same way and i would encourage you to post your games as well in this topic